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Everything posted by chknwing

  1. The game was OK until the team imploded in the span of 5 mins
  2. dallas loses or doesnt cover. bank on it.
  3. its a smokescreen. the plan is 2025 with the current gm and staff. Did they think the team would be historically bad, no, but they knew it would be bad. 2025 they will have picks and enough cap room to sign an entirely new team.
  4. Someone ask chat gpt how to fix this damn team
  5. bears want that #1 pick, Panthers 13 Bears 10
  6. it's a good thing we can fix this in the draf...oh wait. we can fix it in free agency with all the cap spac...oh wait. 2024 will be excrutiating to watch. 2025, tepper needs to have a new GM in place to manage $160M in cap space and the 2025 draft capital.
  7. imagine being a player and knowing you suck so bad even a team full of suck doesnt want you
  8. Carolina is broke. What they going to pay him with? BBQ and Moonshine?
  9. is the training and conditioning staff completely terrible?
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