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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Typically defenses are ahead of offenses throughout mini camp. This will be the first consecutive year's of a good oline. So for the first time in forever, they have chemistry before regular season. Will be fun to watch.
  2. The ball was actually thrown away from the defenders. But yeah, it was a terrible pass.
  3. I chose to ignore his stupid rant. Basically anybody whom posts like that doesn't know football.
  4. I am fine with the attention the national media is giving us. Rookie QB, all new coaching staff. Is to be expected. Is also why I love the veteran leadership we have on this team. Our team is hungry. Guard your expectations all you want to, we will win more than is expected.
  5. Sounds like he's ready for the young men to show their worth.
  6. Thank God the QB contracts are finally getting reasonable.
  7. Neither. Campbell's Chunky Minestrone FTW. Leave those gutt bombs alone.
  8. I have seen nothing of his injuries that lead me to think he's fragile. He plays tough and physical. The NFL is a brutal game. I hope he remains healthy, as he's one of my favorites to watch. The dude is very good at what he does.
  9. Says the one talking trash about the owner of the team. That's rich poo there. Thanks for the suggestion, I believe I will ignore you.
  10. Texas has the best economy of all the states. Most jobs. Most diverse jobs. If you can't find work in Texas, it's because you don't want to get off your ass.
  11. So now the vendors (whom are seperate companies), are letting Tepper make the choices of ingredients? You should pray for wisdom.
  12. I had plans to come, then the last two months happened, and I just can't afford to take the time off right now. Maybe work will bring me there. Never know.
  13. Keeping a good oline together is the single hardest thing to do in the NFL. THank you, CBA.
  14. I would think any fan would know better than to speak such evil into existence.
  15. Still on the roster on a rookie contract. This is still the NFL. Can't have enough good running backs.
  16. Comparing stats f of a starter to one that wasn't a starter? Shakes my head.
  17. At a time that running backs are not valued as they should be, we still some how got ripped off? Only on the huddle.
  18. Thank God for the negativity. Without it, how could we ever be unbiased.
  19. Bryce's assimilation of the playback is happening at his pace, the coaches are only doing their job. Seems to me this team is being built to contend year in and year out. Music to every Pather fan's ears.
  20. As expected, it got done the week before training camp.
  21. Is that even possible? Would be wise if they did.
  22. I never blamed Kasey. We didn't lose because of that kick.
  23. I was raised to value perceptions other than my own. Not to take as the gospel, but at least listen to it, and add what is needed to.my own perception. It's important to be unbiased. For example, I am biased against Fords. Yet I can still acknowledge the fact of how good the mustang is as an overall 2 door American sports car. I see recognize its value, and impact in the auto industry. Still wouldn't buy one.
  24. Contracts have been out of hand since before this century. That's why I don't get caught up in "perceived value." Many teams are willing to pay whatever it takes to have his talent, and unquestioned leadership on their team.
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