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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Felt the need to come forward? Lol
  2. I hate Miami and Jersey City are my 2 worst. Everything else is a cake walk after those cities.
  3. The NFL is making plans to expand to 40 teams. The Panthers aren't going anywhere.
  4. As a truck driver, I promise you it's better than most.
  5. Traffic anywhere in North Carolina is cake walk. Far worse states and cities with terrible infrastructure.
  6. Ya said everything I would have said, and a little extra!
  7. This really goes without being said. He's a rookie. Thanks for feeling that all you can add to this thread, but it didn't need to be said.
  8. I believe we're a better team top to bottom than last year. Better coaching staff. Led by a kid that doesn't get rattled. Call me a Homer, but I see our playoff drought coming to an end.
  9. I don't expect much more than 500 yards out of Hurst unless they just end up feeding him. We have a crowded TE room. While none of them have established themselves outside of Hurst, there is talent there, and they will be spreading the ball out. No would it blow my mind if Hurst does better? No. Just keeping expectations out of the stratosphere.
  10. Another perspective about our receiver room, since there is no true number one, it'll be less noticeable when depth has to step up because of injury.
  11. That's the thing that everyone on here forgets. You don't know poo about me besides what I post. That means you don't know what in my life has shaped it. You have no idea of the loss mu family has suffered. You have no idea of what i have put myself through. You know posts on a forum, where I myself, try to be as unbiased as possible, because that's how i was raised. It helps that I am a life long football fan. So I had a good grasp of football long before the Panthers existed. Anyways, try not to judge people you don't know, based on their perspectives on a football forum.
  12. We have more proven depth at the position than I can remember. We have what Steve Smith calls a dog, a stud, a rising start due to how he plays. Frank admitted Mingo even surprised them during the players visit. Out of 30 players. We have a proven speedster. We have one of the best complimentary receiers in the game with Thielen, whom is a natural leader. We have a 3rd year guy whom has been getting better every year, and is #1 in the NFL on go routes, even though he's not really a speedster. We have proven, veter depth!! We still have a running back that can catch the ball. Frank also loves using guys that play the tightend position. I know, those guys are all chumps, right? Man, I am a pretty cynical asshole, but I even have a hard time hating on this offensive talent.
  13. Our receiving room is deep. No argument about no true number 1. But to say we have no talent that scares defenses is just stupid. The group will work itself out. I guess it's the offseason and the doom and gloom people feel this is something they can stand on.
  14. We have no receivers that scare anyone? Where the hell.do people get this poo from? We don't have a true bona-fide #1. That doesn't mean we don't have talent, and won't be able to pass the ball. Cheese and rice!!!
  15. Holy hell, that is some bad trash!
  16. 6, 3, and 10 years. Experience in the league of our starting 3. There is experience at depth too.
  17. Of course he still has to adjust to game speed moments. Why is it we can't talk about how good this kid is, without bringing him down? Too much feel goods? You guys don't know how to handle that as Panther fans? Scared some short stack is going to be a better QB then Cam ever was? What is it? The kid is thriving. Which means no Matter how you look at it, he's going to be fun to watch come game time.
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