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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. None of the game day line ups have made any sense. Higgins whom only catches passes, and has long time chemistry with bad ass baker, can't get involved. This offense us fuging putrid. Throw out the RPOs, please, and let's play some.damn ball.
  2. Stafford has always been a stud. It was unfortunate that he was drafted by the lions.
  3. Just because I'm not hung up on it, doesn't mean I dismiss the cost. The team is trying to find their qb. I haven't agreed with a single selection, but I'm also intelligent enough to know that I'm just a fan, and the team is doing whatever they can to build a winner. Just like us, they are human, and they made mistakes. I don't know any coach.who doesn't. I'm not going to sit here and be mad because the team did what they felt was the the right decision at the time. And I WANT them to keep trying until they find us the one. That's going to cost us, because not even average quarterbacks grow on trees.
  4. And here you are stuck almost 2 years in the past.
  5. I, personally would be pissed if they weren't trying to better the team every year. I swear you guys think this pro football stuff is easy. Lmao
  6. Execution. There hasn't been much of it on offense. Sure, you cN blame the coaches for that, but the players still have to go out and execute. Knowing the huddle like I do, they never blame the players when it comes to execution, unless they hate the player.
  7. Yup, the team with the fewest mistakes often wins. Sounds familiar.
  8. 3 awesome receivers, a great running back. A good defense. A good special teams. Oh yeah, this is a rhule hate thread. You're right, the saint's suck. fuging worthless division opponent and all.
  9. Getting a win while we're still improving isn't a bad thing, unless you just don't see the offense getting any better with more play.
  10. The oline coming together, a new QB. new offense. We saw more out of the offense today. I definitely feel it should continue to develop every week. The saints put off offense, but the defense was able to force turnovers. An opportunistic defense can help this offense get going.
  11. Saints had more offense than we did, yet we won. Hard to buy anything being sold in here.
  12. I know when I'm at a.game,.I'm bringing the energy regardless of the record. Otherwise I can sit my fat ass at home and not give a fug.
  13. I'm honestly shocked he didn't look like this 7 years ago considering the deal he's made with the devil for his success.
  14. Sounds to me you're being biased then. Don't worry about it, majority of the huddle is completely down with being biased, as long as the masses agree with the bias.
  15. That is laughable. He is always very open to not truly believing in Rhule. He, unlike you and others, bring up points that are beyond his control, and a view point that regardless that he feels like Rhule is gone no.matter what, that Rhule should have through to the end of season, which is what a patient perspective is.
  16. I could see the reasons why the team has struggled thenfirst 2 years, and was more than willing to give Rhule his 3rd year. Being honest, I use to never miss a game. The Panthers use to be a religion to me. I am now at the point where I don't even care if I miss a game. I started accepting the idea of missing live games, because as a truck driver, it's just extremely difficult to catch the games live. I'd pay for game rewind, and watch them that way. Now I'm not even bothering with that. Why? Simply put, this team hasn't had an identity since Rivera was poo canned. I'm not here to bash Rhule. You guys got that down without me pulling Mr. Asshole off the shelf. I do know that this team has been very painful to watch when I have invested the time to do so. I believe Tepper wants a winner as much as we do, so I'd imagine this not fun for him either. I'm honestly ready for Rhule to be gone. Make Wilks the interim coach for the rest of the season.
  17. Bozeman had an injury, which was a setback. When he's ready, I'm sure he'll step in.
  18. Seems to me if we can generate some offense front the start of the game, we should stand a chance.
  19. First game as a true starter. Against a team with a very good pass rush. Yes, this is the year that he needs to show he belongs, but I'm not going to judge him based off this game.
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