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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Sam's play is obviously a product of the lack of protection he has. Why invest more at QB until the oline is not so damn poor.
  2. Whose head is gonna roll? Yours? Obviously none of our coaching staff. They were brought on to the long term. Evidently you missed that memo.
  3. Oline begins to show some life as we run the ball down the throats of the giants, because that is whatbwe do every time we play them there. Sam has a easy day throwing 2 tds. Gano scores the Giants only points 30 to 3 Panthers
  4. Gano was not loved as a Panther. It took him leaving which was celebrated here on the huddle , for huddlers to appreciate what we no longer had.
  5. Making a lot of assumptions. I don't see Gilmore playing free safety. I think he'd take his services elsewhere before playing safety. And that's just the first assumption you made.
  6. They have all the answers right now. Don't fug up their poo dude
  7. Sam is not playing good enough. There are reasons. The line isn't protecting him well enough, he has no time in the pocket, and God forbid his receivers help him out.
  8. Mighty impressive 19 yards on the season..
  9. I'd easily argue that he is having to rush his throws. Plus the offense never found a rhythm at all this last Sunday. Yet while there are a few that's not going to accept that but it's just the truth . I was in agony watching the game from the front row of the upper deck praying and praying that they would just find some rhythm on offense . If they could have done that they probably could have overcame the interior oline.
  10. It's simple if you're good at what you do when doing construction then you make good money if you don't then no you don't make poo. It's just like any other job.
  11. People these days just don't give a fug I remember listening to my grandfather and my great Uncle's talk when I was a kid and how proud they were about all the different things they were a part of in their life . Most of the things that they were talking about were just different jobs that they did throughout their lives but they were a part of something they accomplished things and they were proud of those things.
  12. So evidently he agrees with his first round status, otherwise he wouldn't state it.
  13. So you're telling me that our oline's performance has had nothing to do with that? I have a difficult time blaming the HC, Brady, or even Sam on the offensive failures. Until the interior of our oline is playing better, the rest is a moot point. Our starting tackles from the beginning of the hasn't been the issue. It's been the injuries and lack of execution on the interior of the oline. I'm not making excuses Especially when the coaches themselves are saying that they need to coach better it's better, but but the online and specifically the interior of it is is it offensive issues you fix those and I promise you are offense will get greatly better better.
  14. Honestly, I think he went to small ball to protect a lead with the injuries we're dealing with, and the offense having no rhythm. Most of you are just over reacting.
  15. Children, stop playing what if games, and grow up.
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