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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. It's not a complaint, just an observation. People who complain about someone else's justifiable observation on the team aren't worth getting into an internet slap fight with. I know what you mean and ask yourself 'am I the one being emotional about it'? If yes, cool off. If not, pass on bye or waste time.
  2. Kahn was an owner that I thought would be the worst forever. This is a huge move towards competency for that guy. I didn't see Kahn as not caring but just completely oblivious to the NFL. It takes a long time for those guys to figure anything out, I didn't think Kahn ever would like the Jets owner. That guy doesn't give a fug. It's going to be at least a few more years before we can say for sure on Tepper, even if he is hiding like a scared eunuch right now.
  3. Baalkie out in Jax. I would never have thought that Kahn would become a better owner than Tepper but here we are. Smart move, their fans have hope again. Damn, I think we literally have the worst owner in the NFL now. Holy poo it's that bad lol
  4. I was on the fence with Burrow when he came out. I knew he had a lot of positives but his arm was a big question for me. Basically a much better Mac Jones, well he proved he isn't in that group for sure. Not cheering for any other team tho.
  5. Good for Leftwich. The Jags are proving why sticking with a bad GM kills everything else. Baalke is really bad and a know issue from his time with the 49ers. I hope we can land a guy like Leftwich in 2023. That is what a young coach with huge potential looks like...not Rhule at Baylor.
  6. For how much? Trading for Jimmy G is an automatic fail. He is not good enough to shoulder this team's issues and we don't need another expensive not good enough QB. Cam was frank in his presser. I also saw what went on in games and what was said after games. I believe he used the words closure. I don't wish it on him so good for him. They traded for Sam and picked up his 5th. I hope they have to eat it and end up pollisbing that turd into no Rhule and the #1. I don't understand the Picket love but a wasted draft pick on a rookie deal is still cheaper than paying Jimmy G.
  7. So the norm. We could take the noodle armed QB, the good free agents wouldn't likely come here and we could always end up with Jimmy G even though the 49ers were asking a 1st for him.
  8. Hurney did all of that, Tepper doesn't know anything which is obvious because he let Hurney do all of this.
  9. Well he built the front office that is supposed to be so great, got Rhule hired and then got fired leaving us with Rhule picking his GM. None of this is what I wanted or want. Hopefully this guy can step up but I haven't seen anything with any of these guys that looks like an actual positive. As far a personnel input...why? Whatever gets us to a house cleaning faster is fine with me.
  10. It's been said he is great cap guy but the moves we make leave that as quesstionable. I also heard that he should be interviewing for GM positions but that doesn't look like a thing this year either. Was hired by Hurney, have reservations about the differences in perception and reality when it comes to singing praises for guys that are apart of this much failure.
  11. The Panther's are competing by default for best team in the new worst division. Fun times
  12. So lets add another CB hahaha. That will help the offense and the run D for sure lol
  13. It was wrong last year and it would be even worse doing this. BPA blinders on while pretending they fixed the team in free agency like last year which was a fantasy.
  14. It's dumb enough to belive. Brooks proving a) he could work for Rhule and b) anyone can be a 'draft expert' apparently.
  15. Are they trying to make an unwatchable show for everyone? Lol. They can't get people to go to games so now put them on TV? Just so much lol. Rhule in front of cameras running his dumb mouth with constant sound bytes...the guy isn't going to make it to October lol
  16. #1 is absolutely useless. Just toss that out completely. It sounds more like superstition than anything useful in evaluation The rest makes sense, I'm not sure how you quantify some of these things though.
  17. Ball size rundown The balls weigh the same but different sizes, shapes and materials. It still depends on the QB. I'm sure their is a lot more complex answer for this but all we have right now is hand size. I do wonder if it is finger length, hand strength or somethibg like that to be lot more accurate. Is there a gloved QB that has done really well? I'm drawing a blank.
  18. No lipstick needed to justify just cleaning the slate and starting from scratch here. Any other team making moves, forward or backwards, just don't matter. We are our own worst enemies at this point so just focus inwards. Everything else in the NFL is a distraction for the Panthers and shouldn't be a worry at this time. I'm so much more worried about dysfunction growing inside this organization as this farce continues that the rest of the NFL is a minor threat at the end of the day.
  19. Aren't collage balls smaller than NFL balls? If they are the same sizes as they used to be it's a big difference. As always, depends on the prospect. Smaller hands on a QB matters in context. Let's see how he rings up in the combine and see how he does with a real ball in drills. I remember Pickles being a great example of failing to make that transition with small hands. So yeah, it can matter.
  20. Hate? No. Disgusted, angry and not willing to accept the crap they have become? Absolutely.
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