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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. So when the D knows you can't scramble for a damn, take 5 step + dropbacks while not being able to step up into the pocket and see anything would be hard for the oline to block and maybe not their fault?
  2. He is just part of the problem and not the biggest problem by far. Coaching, play calling, poor roster building and above all a really bad owner who is meddling to an unknown extent who also can't hire or manage his employees for a damn. He looks bad objectively. Really bad. He looks like a QB that obviously peaked in school regardless of the mess around him. There is just no way around that. They all deserve blame and I don't see anyone that should be spared.
  3. Sorry to tell you but Tepper and Fritterer are still here and I don't think much would have changed. Hell if Wilks would have stopped that trade he would have been worth it but that isn't his MO. Hell he took the HC job in Arizona and didn't even pick his staff.
  4. Go ahead and eat that dead cap now. Might as well try Hubbard and some long shots because that guy is a waste of a roster spot now.
  5. Wilks would have improved the D but still would have had an outdated O. I don't even want to think about Wilks O and Bryce together, I couldn't think of worse pairings. Steichen was the most attainable and best option but again if Bryce was still a lock then I don't know how much he could have done with so little. Better sure but nothing to dream about. With Dalton it would have been solid but Bryce has so many limitations that it's almost a mercy they went with Frank who is going to get retired by this mess. Johnson is going to make a good coach. He knew what this all was and said no thank you. Smart, smart man.
  6. I think all of them think the fans are as clueless as the Teppers so yes.
  7. No idea. At this point I assume it's pure BS from the coaches, FO and ownership until I see something different. This would have been Rhule putting his feet in his mouth saying something absurdly stupid, maybe it's dementia showing in Frank or just pure fantasy to take away his pain that isn't ending anytime soon. No idea. It's almost all BS at this point from those people.
  8. Terrible throw and on Bryce lol
  9. On to the next slaughter lol
  10. The CBs were never reliable health wise. There is no 'if he was healthy' at this point for Horn because not being available is the norm for him. The OGs? Some help probably but not enough. No one seems to be playing great and coaching is concerning well past the mistakes of roster building.
  11. It's Tepper so it's possible. At least the rest of the NFL would have seen it coming
  12. The combine would have destroyed his value.
  13. Not doing any drills was a giant red flag and should have pushed him bellow the other 2 QBs alone. If he could have put up half decent measurables none of this would be this bad but he knew what was up. Im sure his agent used the words 'can only lose value'. They practice all of that to perform better, they knew.
  14. If he would have done the combine drills this would never have happened so it seems like a group effort from my seat...
  15. He was selling whatever they wanted to buy, same a Rhule. 'His plan seperated him' or whatever the quote was floating around. The people hiring are chasing fantasies and the young and better qualified people were selling reality so they ended up with another dud and probably still have no idea how this all happened again. This is the second time and is now a tendency and the norm until they prove otherwise. Mostly from fans was the Rhule comparisions, which is stunning he is doing worse at the end of it all.
  16. SS for at least a game. If he can't make it there then I'm not sure where he fits in the NFL regardless of talent.
  17. Trade block or just more garbage management? The mystery continues. Whatever the master plan is, I am not expecting good things.
  18. That should be Frank's ultimatum. It would be 100% justifiable league wide if he refused and was fired. Let the other coaches coach and audition to keep their jobs.
  19. This might as well be easter because the lambs are lining up themselves for slaughter. No idea who is first but I don't see how there is just 1 with this many games left in the season.
  20. I see them as the root. I have seen ownership sink a business and ruin anything good. It's the only thing consistent throughout and that makes sense. Sadly I can't belive it has anything to do with luck at this point. The way people perform for them is the most concerning part. It's like they get everyones worst. Like an evil version of management with the goatee and all lol. I think the toxic crap that made him a billionaire is the biggist poop in the mix. It doesn't work in football and he has not leanred anything else yet. Thus my only hope is in a consultant that will call his BS and show him something else. Frank has been on a downward spiral the last 3 years. Looks like he is reaching for his rock bottom and he got a lot of passes for crap he shouldn't have in that time. It really is a mess. After Rhule this is so not typical so the usual plan is already out the window.
  21. I do not know but I do want to see what his value is at this point. Letting him get to the franchise tag is so stupid but I kind of expect it from this crew.
  22. You can let Frank float to the end of the year while the new GM gets plenty of work in and the new coach search is underway. Frank not letting go of playcalling should be the line of firing at this point. I do agree the new GM shouldn't be foreced to work with Frank and I would hope he has some serious connections he wants to work with.
  23. I am not having a hard time at all. It's all just more of the same awful at this point. I think the only differences are in fans heads. I never saw it as anything different and others had hope. I'm truely am sorry for what they did to those fans but we are all coming back to the same crap as the last 4 years minus last year's too short vacation of dreams.
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