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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Not over-leaning on the one stud that produces no matter how much everything else fell apart is also a huge factor in his injuries here. He was a crutch for the bad here and it showed when he went to a coaching staff that wasn't trash.
  2. So do what they haven't been able to do and we are good? In on every deal is fine for checking in while hearing it out and moronic for not being able to qualify a good and bad deal...which is 100% in question given the recent history. I just don't see how anyone can believe in Fritters at this point. The good vs bad ratio is an issue that looks to be growing as his team building comes together this year.
  3. Sadly Chinn is at the point of being paid and still not an established starter at a given spot. That's not on him but coaching and team building. It stinks when you have to let a decently talented player walk because it's payday and they were mis-managed for 4 years. He looked good his rookie year, bad at FS and I don't think they ever let him play SS. Burns and Chinn are the most likely targets, no idea on what they could get for Chinn at this point and I don't know how they pay him moving forward unless he breaks in a good way this year. Brown completely depends on his contract negotiations, he will get paid but I don't know what he expects at this point. If it's decent he would be a good piece moving forward.
  4. David Tepper. She has zero history of any work or anything really. Maybe I googled wrong...
  5. Lol why would I hold my breath on coaching when that is the problem with the Oline? They hired HC that wanted these changes and here we are. LT was looking good late last year. One of those has succeeded in the NFL and could again. Anyway you look at it the LT is still a better NFL player at this point.
  6. The LT can play RT or OG and the QB is holding a clipboard but keep on pretending. Maybe if you hold your breath he will be what they sold you...
  7. Having to wait to play weaker opponents is not a good look...
  8. This is fun. Can we get more of this all over the place?
  9. Dalton looking good while taking a beating. Some guys take hits and keep going while others response is to spiral out. At some point you are just delaying the inevitable. The list of guys who could take big hits, deliver the ball and keep going most days look like the QBs that have the longest shelf-life. The Panthers do not look to have gone that rout and they are going to have to come to grips with it sooner than later. I get this last game but the next one is going to get to 'get on with it territory' if he is a healthy non-start. You can keep sneaking it with Dalton but Young is going to have to get in there and figure out how to deal with it because this isn't college or Philly. The pipedream of building the perfect roster next year is destroyed by the reality of how fast the NFL changes and how unpredictable it can be.
  10. At this point trade Reich away and let Brown cook. Reich is a known quantity and is doing the same crap that got him fired from his last job. And no he won't stop calling plays until it's dragged away from him. No real loss but money that doesn't go against the cap. Win-win, he gets to skip away and not have to watch his soul leave his body every gameday or pr event moving forward and we get a good look at the coordinators. Trade him to Nebraska and let Rhule be his new boss.
  11. 3 Oline starters are the worst and Dalton is the best? I even see a WR and TE in the top 5? Cool, let's see where the goal post get moved now...
  12. Or this year is failing and next year will be tanking if they keep the staff in place in the offseason. They created a 2 year tank window lol
  13. Retire, it's the face saving move. Health issues, family matters or just time to run away after dropping a shart in the high-rise elevator in rush hour...
  14. He is going to make what someone wants to pay him so let him find a trade partner and he would take whatever they are offering or not. Same as franchising him and letting him seek a partner at the end of the year, it helps the player re-adjust their values or they find a new sucker. It's not new territory at all. Eating some cap from a contract someone wants to dump works if we can eat the dead cap this year and free it up at the end of the year for free agents. Worst case he walks and the Panthers get a 3rd comp pick, that is what the floor is with Burns now and it might happen with the way this is going so a late 1st isn't looking too bad. He thinks his value is much more than it should be so let the market dictate that to him since this team failed so miserably in handling this situation.
  15. That's because they trade what they did for Young now we have no choice but looking to a retread like Dalton...
  16. A 1st and some change would be expected, it's on the person in charge to get the best deal from there. A top 10 rusher still gets paid, just not that sexy Bosa money. Let him seek a trade and whatever best deal they can find is what he will be paid. You are being obtuse intentionally. It's going to be less for him and the team unless the team caves. The Panthers could also take a player to eat some of the trading teams dead cap. It's difficult to talk options and possibilities when the people in charges would just waste anything done. I couldn't talk serious team building with any of the decision makers in place now so having draft capital and new people would be the best options moving forward next year.
  17. And now we have Dalton which is like being back at Teddy with no hope of a good answer other than finding a Purdy... The strategy works if you don't have failures making the moves. If you have failures in charge than any moves will still result in failures. That's why they are failing again this year...
  18. A good team that needs a pass rusher would pay that because it would be worth it to them. KC has done it. The Rams way overcompensated and were saved by us. You are just floundering and trying to revert to a logic discussions and not the discussion you were 100% wrong about this season and are now grasping.
  19. Burns should net more than a 1st but that's all you can really talk about until the new trade value is revealed. QB, HB, WR, OL, DL, LB or CB are all needs. You act like Burns would be the only hole if we traded him. This is a bad team, draft who you can and bring in some prove it FAs. It's also not saving on cap space but spending elsewhere. Those are 2 deferent things and you know it. Case in point, we could have spent multiple 1st and a starting WR elsewhere by just going Dalton.
  20. Of just have the balls to say 'No, I'm not playing there'. In this case only Bear's fans and NFL execs would object.
  21. They are getting 1 or 2 QBs in the top 5 this year... Yeah that is still a terrible move
  22. There are no easy answers. Someone has to step up and at the end of either options this will still not be a good team but one has the chance to pick a 1st level talent and have the room for a good FA or 2 with Burns being elsewhere. I would take option 2 every time given Burn's value on the field vs what he wants and will be paid. It's not just a draft pick but also room to sing free agents along with the picks trading away Burns gives in value.
  23. Take what you can because Burns isn't a foundational piece and he never was. Good passrusher and not much else.
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