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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Rhule will lose, I'm just not sure Tepper cares or can do anything better. I just hope it is an entertaining pooshow. If Tepper does care? Week 6 should be good enough to fire Rhule. Our schedule will be brutal.
  2. Lol, what are you even arguing? If you want to live in fantasy land, I said I can respect your choice. The rest is really not worth the time. Cheers.
  3. He also is a worse QB with more time in the pocket. The build the oline and he will improve fantasy is just sad at this point.
  4. We had a good enough QB for mediocrity the first year, we still won 5 games. We then went all in on Sam and won 5 games the next year with an extra game to play. Everything points to this crew doing another 5 game season. There isn't a good QB that is willing to come here and there does not look to be a QB in the draft that will make much positive impact on the 2022 season at this point. There is 2 years of factual evidence this crew is below mediocre and bringing in one good DB coach and a lot more NFL grade JAGs isn't really making your case. We don't even have a QB to build around so I don't think that example really supports your position the way you think it does.
  5. I would literally bet against those things happening and I do not even bet on things.
  6. Too little too late. Do it how you do anyways, this team with marginally better coaching (Wilks is the only positive I see) still has an idiot in charge and an owner that has no idea about the operational stuff at all. If this was Rhule's day 1 staff it would be a bad staff in the NFL. It's not about optimism or pessimism on this subject for me, two years of painful failures and zero reasons to give this crew anything resembling optimism moving forward. My hope is reserved for not doing this crap again next year and Tepper stepping up and doing something right on the operations side for once.
  7. That part. At first I was like 'sure why not' to trading players this offseason. But then the more I think about it the more I think that idiot will just waste anything they trade for. Save anything we can for the next crew and just hope these people are not allowed to trade the Panther's future away while doing jobs they should never have been hired to do.
  8. I think he is a really good player and with Burns they make up great parts for a 3-4 D. I'm fine with all of that and inking him to a good deal. Last year's failures on D was on Snow's scheme, not Burns and Reddick. The stand up 4-3 DE thing was an absolute failure conceptually. I don't know if he is willing to come back here at this time, we will see. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. As for the low cap, we got lots of dead weight we could clear up. Anderson's deal, last year's dud FA olinemen, CMC and Sam account for a lot of CAP we could clear up if we were savy...so lol I guess. We could but I kind of doubt they pull enough of that off. I'm fine with it depending on the contract. He is a good player and a good staff should be able to maximize what he does well. I'm more worried about this group spending that money on free agent people again this year.
  9. Spend on a QB and not a RB? Tell that to Hurney and his pack of failures he hired before getting axed. I'd be interested in seeing the oline, QB and D #s on thos SB winners. And teams think analytics is hard to build into the game lol.
  10. They are both jerks. Rhule sounds like the kind of coach Apple deserves. I just have a lot more reasons to dislike Rhule, he is a terrible coach and this is yet another example of the depth of his awfulness. We just had one year of Apple, I had completely forgotten about him until this.
  11. We can dislike both? I know I do. Lose-lose if you will.
  12. I'm hoping for an oline first offseason, I'm expecting a very 2010 offseason... I just want to see a house cleaning, all of them. Tepper needs to hire a handler and that person is not in house yet. Rhule's contract is an abomination and most of the staff is over promoted and overhyped.
  13. How about we play the real thing here while sending the wors two teams over there to waste a game at fug all in the AM?
  14. He looks like a dud to me. Take Mac Jones and drop it a couple of levels. Way overblown prospect. Looks like Little as a QB to me, it's that bad.
  15. I'm done pretending. That kid is a dud and IDGAF about feelings at this point. Big picrure is whatever really. It's all about getting a house cleaning now. Picket looks capable of doing that for us.
  16. IDK, they designed a lot of bad matchups last year. Just don't know but maybe
  17. Hopefully Snow realized that this isn't school and the NFL Olinemen are going to continue to murder your LBers and DBs if you just put two big boys up at the LOS regardless of talent.
  18. Whatever allows Chinn to move around. I just think the 2 up front and Burns & Reddick as standup DEs is dead. Run a 3-4 or 3-3-5 which is really what it would be with Chinn either way.
  19. If wishes came true? Play another big body up front for a true 3 man front, move Chinn to ILB with Burns & Riddick as the edges and find better safeties.
  20. I bet even if they take a home game away the price stays the same. All profit and no quality, that's the new Panthers.
  21. Just greatness. Great human, great Panther. Keep pounding!
  22. Right now? Still way too early? Every LT, then C and then QB*. *Will change with injury concerns and results of combine/pro days.
  23. True story. The crap I heard from the people around me at that game. It was all about the money spent and the rarety of the situation. There wasn't a fan of eaither team for at least 20 people each way. So weird. When I went to the SB in 2008 the Pats fans were crying around me after getting to watch Willy Nelson before the game, 2016 and not a fan in my sight. Just weird and not in a fun way.
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