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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. So you want to sign Cam in Nov? Then what? Cut him again in the off season? Draft his replacement and make him play backup. Sounds like total chaos.
  2. Calvin just announced he is ‘stepping away from football’. wow
  3. Watson isn’t moving until his legal issues are behind him and teams have a chance to sit down with him and hear him out. This means the price may go up but no team is going to take a chance considering he could face some jail time.
  4. Hornets are set to eclipse the Canes. Could very well win a championship in the next 4 years.
  5. Thank you for a level headed comment and not another ‘twitter’ take.
  6. My thoughts too. If it was just Brady, then we would have seen this overly simplified play calling last year.
  7. There was a report today that Fitts was talking to Houston during preseason. They prob knew Darnold sucked during mini-camp.
  8. Summary: Darnold sucks. Teams know what we’re going to do because we’re not opening up the playbook. We’re not opening up the playbook because Darnold is messing up the easy stuff. If he’s messing up basic stuff how can the coaching put even more on his plate?
  9. I wouldn’t be surprised if he realizes he enjoys coaching kids more than pro players.
  10. Just saying that is who Tepper wanted and he deferred to Rhule and Fitts.
  11. The huddle said Watson rejected us. No media source actually said that.
  12. 1. For most teams in our situation, QB hell can last years or decades. Finding an Elite QB is 95% pure luck. 2. We’re not going to be able to build through FA. We need to build through the draft. That’s where our big players will come from. 3. If Rhule and co stick around, it will take them a few more years to become savvy enough in the ways of the nfl to compete. He needs a former HC at the OC spot to speed up this process.
  13. You just described nearly all football coaches.
  14. People can poo this all they want, but this is the most likely way forward.
  15. Aren’t you the guy who said there was no way the Texans were going to pay Watson and not force him to play?
  16. I’m sure they see that in practice and know what’s coming before the game even starts.
  17. Well he wasn’t making the calls at LSU.
  18. If they’re asking Watson to settle his civil cases prior to a trade (and they should do that at the very least), this isn’t happening soon.
  19. Can’t listen till later. What are the highlights?
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