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Ricky Spanish

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Everything posted by Ricky Spanish

  1. I have no idea if Harbaugh would work out, but I feel like it would be the most chaotic choice, so I'm oddly not as opposed to it as I have been in the past.
  2. I'm sorry but this line of thinking removes all context and compares different eras against one another. We traded away our best players to get the #1 pick thinking we were going to compete right away. None of those other three were brought in thinking instant success was right around the corner. Also, different eras, different rules for offenses, we should not be looking this inept on offense. And Campbell's record in those first 11 games wasn't good, but neither were the Lions who were building up from scratch after Matt Patricia was fired after scaring off all their best players (Sound familiar?). Also, Campbell's teams were COMPETITIVE in those losses. They didn't look absolutely outmatched and played inspired football during each one of those losses. You could tell they were building something and needed to amass some more talent and then the wins would come. We look both devoid of talent and devoid of anything resembling competent coaching. This is whataboutism at its finest from King, and it's annoying.
  3. Fact of the matter is he HAS to be patient with Young, we don't have our first round pick this draft so we can't move on from him as quickly/easily as we could if we did. We are tied to Bryce until at least next offseason when we get our first round pick back.
  4. It's been one game, too early to tell and I didn't even watch the game. If Bryce doesn't improve even a little bit, Fitt gets canned immediately. If Bryce plays a little better, 50/50 Fitt gets fired.
  5. He did it to see if Reich was the problem, or Bryce was the problem.
  6. Don't know why any of you are still watching this game. I took the kids to a movie. Way more entertaining. Those of you who still watch this crap probably touch hot stoves and get pissed when they burn you.
  7. It really is just as impressive, especially considering the state of disarray that franchise was in last year between the firing of Reich, hiring of Jeff Saturday as interim, the saga of Jonathan Taylor, and the limited talent throughout the roster.
  8. I keep seeing the narrative from national pundits and the media at large that Tepper's impatience is running us into the ground. These people obviously aren't panther fans. If they were, they'd realize the fact that Tepper had TOO MUCH patience for Matt Rhule specifically, and that's what has led to our football purgatory. It was painfully obvious to literally all panther fans that Rhule sucked and year 3 was going to suck under him. But for whatever reason, Tepper decided to run it back with a hack college coach who sucked at managing and coaching grown men. Had we fired Rhule then, we'd have had the opportunity to hire one of the following coaches: Kevin O'Connell Mike McDaniel Brian Daboll Doug Pederson Of course, we also would have had the opportunity to hire one of the following coaches as well, which let's be honest, is probably the talent pool we would have been wading in: Josh McDaniels Matt Eberfuls Nathanial Hackett Regardless, we had a real shot at a firm reset last year with a solid up-and-coming coach, but we pissed it all away to watch Rhule and co. flounder for the first month of the season, only to have a grownup step in and clean up his mess. We wouldn't have had to trade away CMC or DJ Moore, and then we wouldn't have had to mortgage the future to trade up to #1 and draft Bryce. The frustrating part is that this isn't even revisionist history, NO ONE in the fan base wanted Rhule back. It was painfully obvious he sucked and would continue to suck into the future. Then Fitterer went and panic sold all our best players to try and get a QB that he already sank tons of resources into. At least he ripped the band-aid off with Reich. That needed to happen as well. Now he needs to rip the band-aid off with Fitterer, do a hard reset this offseason and embrace the suck for the next 3 years as we try to claw our way back to being mediocre with a new regime and new talent. I think we had the talent last year to get a playoff spot if we had competent coaching from the get-go. I never think any one franchise is more than 2 years away from competing, but now we are so depleted of talent and hope that we are in a 3-year rebuild at the shortest. Had we just pulled the plug on Rhule when it needed to happen, we wouldn't be in such dire straits.
  9. Bums me out to see what could have been with Steichen, who was at the top of my list, and Minshew as a backup in case the rookie got hurt. They are just a fun team to watch.
  10. I bet he interviews with us first before he does any others as a warm-up for the more enticing opportunities
  11. Honestly? I'd be perfectly OK keeping Eevro as HC moving forward. Dude is a great coordinator and fantastic at being flexible based on the personnel he has at his disposal.
  12. Let's all welcome the new owner of the Carolina Panthers: Dan Snyder
  13. At no point in the OP does he say he 100% believes fitt nailed the pick. He's saying it's too early to write him off. You're the one that comes into every one of these threads and removes all nuance from the discussion speaking in absolutes about the future of a rookie who hasn't even finished his first season. You can be disappointed and still have hope he can turn it around when we get a competent offense in here. It is like a personal vendetta you have against Bryce and you want to be right at all costs so you can justify how miserable you are.
  14. Damn, that is a really good point. All things considered, Dimitrioff had a good run of success in ATL for a while, ended poorly but that super bowl loss broke that entire organization. Wouldn't hate it, wouldn't absolutely love it, relatively safe choice.
  15. If we do get Ben Johnson it would not surprise me in the slightest if he absolutely sucks.
  16. So this year has sucked, no way to sugar coat it. Even those who didn't think we'd be great didn't expect us to be this abysmal. I stopped watching the games a few weeks ago because it was boring and I knew it was going to be a terrible viewing experience. Reich's playcalling and play design have been terrible all season and there was little hope for things improving at all. I was not planning on watching any games if we retained Reich with yet another season with a lame duck coach and or GM who put an uninspired product on the field again in 2024. But we fired Reich. Are the optics bad? Yes. Is the product on the field bad? Yes. Was hanging onto Reich and potentially ruining our investment in Bryce Young's development better than the bad optics of firing Reich? I have to say no. It wasn't working. It's obvious it wasn't working. We were stagnant, not getting better, and regressing as a team overall as the weeks went on. Tepper got it wrong again with the coach he hired. But holding onto Reich does nothing to help this franchise get better. He did the right thing for the team by letting him go. It's the same thing with Rhule. It was a bad move to hire him in the first place, but it was a good move to let him go. I don't feel like we are missing out on the next great thing by letting go any of the HC's he has thus far. Patience would not have fixed what those coaches were doing. Now, do I think we're going to land Ben Johnson or the next great HC prospect this offseason? No, I don't trust Tepper to do that right. At the same time, I DO believe he will move on from a coach and staff who is not very good.
  17. I really think we take a long look at him this offseason. Shannahan tree, worked with a similar skillset in Tua, not a bad option.
  18. I didn't read the article, just the headline, so I think I know what I'm talking about here. For real though, I don't care, we'll fug it up either way. Keeping this mindset so I don't get hurt anymore.
  19. Nah. I dropped the Titans Defense and grabbed the Bucs Defense in all my fantasy leagues. Would recommend you all do the same.
  20. Stroud is I think 18th and 12th in those same categories. Stroud would fit Reich's offense better. We can wax poetic about Bryce v Stroud until we're blue in the face, but the fact of the matter is we chose Bryce and our Offensive guru HC was too stubborn to tailor an offense that not only Bryce, but the ENTIRE offensive personnel could thrive in. No one we had on roster fit this scheme. I've come to believe that Stroud will have looked BETTER than Bryce on this team, but the run game would still be just as abysmal and the pass blocking just as inept due to the personnel being better suited for other schemes. Reich did NO ONE other than Adam Thielan on this offense any favors.
  21. This is all speculation built around the fact that everyone thinks Tepper will make "a splash hire" because he's rich and willing to pay anything to win. I honestly don't see it happening.
  22. Just an FYI: Via PFR we are 20th and 21st in RPO and PA passes in the league this year. Tua, who also thrives in an RPO/PA based offense is #1 in both those categories. For whatever reason, Reich didn't build his offense around his rookie QB's strengths which is completely asinine.
  23. He didn't run that offense and he didn't call the plays. Pederson did.
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