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  1. 2025 draft isn’t too bad. There are some gems like Harold Perkins, Will Campbell, Travis Hunter, etc. elite talent.
  2. His defenses have always been overrated tbh.
  3. He just threw 3 interceptions in one half, Joe Burrow would never. I don’t see the generational talent tbh. Really good Qb though.
  4. And Direct TV is having a dispute with Fox right now so outta luck unfortunately
  5. John had never kicked a ball out of bounds and he chose THAT moment. I’ve moved past it but I will never forget that. It took the wind out of our sail. Maybe our defense wouldn’t have stopped Tom but he would’ve had to make a longer drive, felt like he basically got the ball at midfield. it was just frustrating bc the guys played their @$$es off just for the ball to be kicked out of bounds lol We had honestly grabbed momentum those last few possessions of the game. In my opinion.
  6. And I’m not understanding why they keep chucking up 40 3’s a game when shooting is not their strength. I really dislike what this franchise has been over the last decade. We can’t even get a proper evaluation of players in summer league bc coaching is awful.
  7. Wait til he sees how crazy Nebraska fans are
  8. Overall, that was some of the worst basketball I’ve ever seen. Besides 3 players (Miller, Jones, Bailey) the rest were throwing bricks and dribble driving like the And 1 mixtape tour. were we being coached by John Calipari? I was confused as to what we were doing on both ends of the court.
  9. https://www.si.com/nfl/panthers/.amp/gm-report/panthers-still-lurking-in-deandre-hopkins-sweepstakes
  10. Leaky is a waste of a signing. Always count on MJ and Mitch to give a Tar Heel an undeserving chance. There are plenty players that could provide us with defense.
  11. This ad was at the bottom of this thread and this pretty much sums it all up.
  12. 20-22: Leftover/old McDonald’s 2023: now we’re cookin. Maybe next season we’ll have an even better entre.
  13. Forming the Wemban-Yama prayer circle!
  14. While it’s not the same, we’ve seen Bryce stay sturdy for 12-15 games per season. We’ll see if 17 games is too much for him. One thing about smarts though is it’s not just reading coverage, it’s knowing how to avoid hits. Something he has a knack of.
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