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Everything posted by Manna

  1. Joe Burrow would not be who he is today if he had Rhule as his head coach.
  2. Except they'll take our first rounder and who knows what else =/
  3. After seeing how Rhule duped the organization, I’d bet anyone would be wanting to do the same
  4. If he brings some toughness and creativity to the offense then I’m all for it.
  5. This is a step in the right direction for Tepper because what was Rhule's speciality? Nothing.
  6. If my wife is any indication, women can REALLY analyze people. Maybe she had a weird hunch about Rhule but Tepper was enamored by those meatballs.
  7. Eddy grew from his failures after the first ATL game and hadn’t missed a kick since, including a high pressure kick yesterday to win the game. Can’t say the same about the other dudes on the team who continually fail at what they do.
  8. oh, and none of those dudes got their forearm shattered and still scored a TD on the same play.
  9. Other receivers can get stats-wins-rings, but none were like 89. He amassed his stats with mediocre quarterbacks on a run first team. He wasn’t just a speed WR, he did everything that was required of him (running crisp routes, blocking, winning jump balls, making catches) all at the height of 5’9 which no other receiver with his measurements have never come close to his tenacity.
  10. His stock just skyrocket after making it to the pro bowl as a starter. New HC, do it.
  11. He should've gone for it a couple times when we had momentum on our side.
  12. Our whole line is too small so they get bullied. Burns is just one piece of that puzzle.
  13. welp it was nice to have hope for a bit following 40ish weeks with Rhule. I hope the new coach and regime is a good hire.
  14. what in the history of the TE's we've had since Olsen left gives the coaches the confidence to run deep plays like that with our crap TEs.
  15. I may be wrong but the last time we were able to stop screens was that 2013 game against the saints in the rain. Since then the Saints haven’t ran much screens against us, and we haven’t been able to stop screens since lol
  16. I hated those screens where Shula would have Cam fake to one side, twirl around, then throw the actual screen the other side. I think that play was always slow developing and worked only once.
  17. Honestly, I'd take 2010 over the the time we had with Rhule.
  18. Will 100% be out into motion if he announces that he will be retiring. It worked for Ray Lewis, Manning, and probably others.
  19. 200+lbs of force on a tiny wrist? I'd imagine anyone taking that hit would be 99% injury prone as well.
  20. because to Rhule, the grass was greener on the other side.
  21. Maybe taking the pressure off Darnold is a good way of developing him? Seems to be working so far. Can't grow if you dont have success to learn from.
  22. Too early to judge Corral. Also, all our QBs have looked terrible and the common denominator is/was Rhule.
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