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Everything posted by ForJimmy

  1. That’s great. Believe what you want. It doesn’t make anyone else’s belief wrong or your’s right.
  2. I just trust the people who have played at this level, coached at this level, and scouted at this level. I don’t trust a disgruntled fan who is upset he isn’t getting the player he wants. I’m just saying if we are comfortable drafting Young then so am I. You guys getting all upset about that are just as bad as the Young fan boys.
  3. I get it, you don’t like the player. Whining about it and calling him names doesn’t change the way the NFL views him. He is a top prospect at a premium position and our team is very interested in drafting him at 1.
  4. My point is it’s not some colossal mistake, it’s backed by film and analytics that the professionals use. I trust Reich’s opinion over people on a random message board.
  5. We are FAR from the only organization/people that think Young is the best prospect in this class. This isn't something outlandish or crazy, in fact in the general consensus throughout the NFL. Young looks to be the number 1 QB prospect this year and this is coming from someone who has leaned Stroud.
  6. That's what YOU want us to think. Nice try....
  7. I think we are taking him unless Houston offers something stupid for him.
  8. He is going to crush every interview they throw at him. His only weaknesses are physical.
  9. It's hard not to like him. He will be very marketable in Charlotte. Sponsors will be lined up to sign deals.
  10. I wouldn't complain with Zay at 39. I don't want to trade up for him though.
  11. Might have to try out that new "process blue" jersey! -Downs at 39 also
  12. When I get my Stroud Jersey I am ordering an extra small and will wear it like a mid-drift.
  13. Yeah and the compensation would be entirely up to our staff and how much more they like one prospect vs the other. Look at what we gave up to acquire a QB in this draft, who is to say Houston wouldn't do something similar for less? Now if Houston is also high on Stroud then nothing will/should happen. Just sit back and take whoever we don't which I think is their strategy.
  14. So they make their roster better and make it more difficult to get a top guy next year. I'm just saying if they truly think Young is the guy and are only one pick away from him, a phone call will/should be made.
  15. Both those franchises announced who they wanted pretty early and stated the pick wasn't for sale. We said the opposite. We wanted to trade up to 3, but the price was similar so we went up to 1? We still haven't officially picked a guy and like multiple prospects. 2 VERY different situations.
  16. If they "love" him then why sit back and take a gamble? Especially when most the arrows are pointing to Young going 1 now?
  17. They have two firsts this year. If they think Young is a franchise QB and Stroud isn't worth taking at 2??? Who knows??
  18. I get that which is what it's not an even swap. If you think both QBs can become great NFL QBs and one comes with another pick or two then it makes sense in my head to listen to that offer. I don't see it happening anyway, but it's not some crazy thought.
  19. You know what that means?!? ...larger gloves.
  20. So they don't even call?? I mean if your potential franchise QB is one pick away from you and you aren't high on the other guys I would think you would at least call. If we fire off an absurd offer or state it's not for sale then that's that.
  21. Then they really should have offered us a trade. Unless they aren't very high on either QB. If I'm sitting at 2 and I love one QB and don't want to draft the other at 2, I would at minimum call the team picking at 1 who is currently stating they haven't decided and asking what it would cost to move up one spot. On a side note I am getting tired of seeing this toe nail fungus ad at the bottom. Well played Igo....
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