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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Sure you can. It's entirely possible to back into the playoffs and look terrible down the stretch, then getting waxed in the Wild Card. That's not the objective and IMO should still get Rhule axed even though it likely wouldn't. That said, this sin't a question that can really be definitively answered at this point. I am highly skeptical of Rhule but think it's more about the team actually looking like they're an NFL team. Maybe the team only gets 5-7 wins, but did they actually hang in against quality competition and look like they know what football at the NFl level means? That might be OK. They looked pathetic last year. Anything like like that that shows a continued failure to strategize and understand the NFL game, even if they eke out some wins, is not acceptable.
  2. As if Fletcher wasn't such a pick. Smith absolutely should have been that choice, not an LS. And Carolina absolutely did need a center, though I can't say that I expect d Humphrey to come out as strong as he did.
  3. Given the massive conflict of interest/likely affinity that Thompson most likely has when it comes to Rhule yes, it's quite reasonable to do so.
  4. He could still turn out to be a good and/or effective coach at the NFL level. The current evidence though supports that he hasn't been, and doesn't look promising for such an outcome. Acknowledging that is somehow 'hating'...
  5. For the millionth time now, being objective about the mess that has been the past 2 years is not the same as 'hating', nor is waiting to see what happens on the field.
  6. I'm not telling anyone what to believe, just pointing out the glaring conflict of interest/predisposition that Thompson likely has (no judgment, just objective fact). If you can't see that or choose to ignore it, then that's your prerogative. College/HS coaches are also not NFL coaches, and hearing 'All NFL teams run the same stuff' from a guy who spent his limited other NFL time on some pretty shaky teams isn't exactly a ringing endorsement.
  7. Yes. Was the only school that offered him a scholarship as he transferred from Florida.
  8. I believe that poster was saying that only Rhule looking competent can end this thread. At least that's how I'm interpreting it, as any other option is just treating the manifestation and not the underlying issue.
  9. I found this fascinating, particularly the part bolded (my own emphasis). An article from this past January, and while the Post has a reputation this is hardly the only report of such behaviors: "Many of the reported complaints, voiced anonymously, stem from Rhule taking the same approach that helped him in college to the pros. In one anecdote, Rhule was upset when a player signed an autograph before a game. One Athletic source said he micromanages “everything that touches football” and has built his staff and roster using plenty of Temple and Baylor connections, programs he guided to prominence. There are nine players from Temple and Baylor on the Panthers’ roster, including former Jet Robby Anderson and outside linebacker Haason Reddick. One agent who reps multiple Panthers players told The Athletic that the team is “less meritocratic” than any team he has dealt with." https://nypost.com/2022/01/01/matt-rhules-panthers-contract-has-them-facing-clusterf-k/ Such an environment would absolutely elicit plenty of eye-rolls.
  10. What makes you say he isn't a bad coach, if only at the NFL level? I've seen nothing indicating he is, be it player development, strategy (both in-game and planning), personnel, player management... just nothing redeeming at this level.
  11. The whole 'Year 3' thing is ridiculous but what gets left out of that take is that his prior teams also notably improved in record from years 1 to year 2. Carolina not only did not improve their record in year 2 but were notably worse on the field vs year 1.
  12. Yeah, 6-11 is a bit generous. 3-14 seems pretty possible with an injury or two like every team suffers and team figuring out the defense for a third year in a row. Not saying that's the most likely scenario by any means, but it is does have legs.
  13. Thompson was with Jacksonville and Chicago as well to some degree (practice squad, TC, etc), but those were hardly offensive masterminds the last few years. I'm sure he's a great guy in real life but I take his words with large grains of salt.
  14. The guy that has never stuck anywhere else in the NFL and was only active on Rhule's roster 4 years into an NFL career, and who came from Rhule's Temple after they were the only ones to offer him a scholarship as he transferred away from Florida, has nice things to say? Who could've guessed. Look, people can be nice and intelligent but that doesn't mean they're good at actually implementing said information. The past 2 years have spoken louder than words, as this year will as well.
  15. Pretty similar to last year, with incremental improvement based on the improvement of the offense. The defense is average at best and, like the team as a whole (some major secondary talent, big questions in the front seven, net = average), will go as Snow (coaching) goes.
  16. I daresay that if I had a multi-billion solar investment, it wouldn't take me 4 years to figure out what I don't know about it. Without reading the article though I may be responding to a headline, and perhaps article, of dubious objective accuracy.
  17. Try as I might, I just don't find this guy funny.
  18. How is that even possible without fundamentally impacting how defense is played and tipping things majorly towards the offense?
  19. Carolina gave up a bag of chips for him... how lame were the other offers?
  20. I joined. Can't figure out how to change my team name yet, but I'm there.
  21. You can't be serious with a Rhule/Shanahan comparison based solely on record.
  22. I'll be in if there's space. Format above or the usual with K and Def, all good.
  23. Kansas roads were fantastic until Brownback and his (and those who he placed around him) financial brilliance came along... funny how that happens.
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