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Everything posted by PantherFanInPhilly

  1. Not at all. Could just be him building more leverage for negotiations (with Michigan and the NFL). I read he just hired a NFL agent as well.
  2. https://twitter.com/theScore/status/1610640986228629505?s=20&t=rzzECo7fpiw8UngqhGhwXg
  3. Yeah, of course. To be honest, I (like many others I'm sure) assumed he was dead once I saw all the players reactions and heard them mention the CPR etc. Ugh. What a crazy night. Was up until 12:30 reading about it...kept thinking about it throughout the night when I would toss and turn and then first thing I did when waking up was go to Twitter hoping for good news.
  4. So I haven't been able to read and keep up with his status throughout the day. Has there been ANY positive news so far?
  5. The quote I read is Vincent said he didn't know where the "5 min" thing came from and nothing like that ever crossed his mind to say in the first place.
  6. Joe Buck is pushing back in his interview w/ the NY Post saying that the NFL DID tell him the 5 min warm up thing...NFL denies it. Hmmm
  7. Gonna do something I haven't done all season....wear a Panther jersey. Finally a game to be excited about!
  8. Word on the street is that Wilks is handing out bonuses for anyone that knocks the botox out of his face on Sunday. #botoxgate
  9. When the "hire Wilks" chatter started several games back, I was not on board at all. Now I'm second guessing that but still incredibly torn. I do love that he's made this team competitive under such dire circumstances but I can't help from being scared that it would be a big mistake to give him the job. Ugh.
  10. Nahhh this is a playoff team! Didn’t you hear!?!
  11. This is a panthers vs Steelers game in Charlotte. Did you expect something different?
  12. Ah ok, I moved out of the city a cpl yrs ago to Delco burbs. Wife and her ppl are all eagles nuts.
  13. I swear watching every game this team has played for the past several years has been brutal. I’m a fuging idiot.
  14. Not a lot of in-game posting I see…not even The Huddle is interested in this game I guess.
  15. Watched all of that Vikings vs Colts game and it was incredible. That's all.
  16. I've been using a Sunday Direct Ticket account I bought on the "black market" about 5 or more years ago for $15. Still working like a charm. When I need to watch blacked out games, I just stream for free from one of the many sites available out there.
  17. Nah not really. Had a decent buzz 20 years ago when he signed to Roc-a-fella but kept getting in trouble.
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