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Everything posted by WarPanthers89

  1. No way he isn’t fired after this season. When you start the year 0-2 against the Giants and a Browns team with a backup QB…..it’s already over. That is as easy as it will get all year.
  2. You can’t ask fans to be passionate about the team and then be upset when they are pissed about being one of the worst teams in the league multiple years in a row. You can only take so many top 10 draft picks before you go insane
  3. Cringe to the max. Tepper wasn’t even paying attention, he was grabbing his wife’s ass at the photo shoot
  4. He sounded like a preacher who would steal your money within the first 5 minutes of the speech. It was hilarious to hear him say that Tepper and Hurney was at his house waiting when he arrived Late from his trip and they helped take his luggage inside for him
  5. Corner I agree but WR is questionable. Sure the talent on paper is there but last year Robby’s numbers were comical and we aren’t really lighting up the stat sheet at WR through the first two games.
  6. WHAT SAY YE HUDDLERS???? Name a position that you believe has improved under Rhule…….
  7. The guy is playing one of the hardest positions on defense, constantly covering the others teams best WR, and has played less than half a season total since being drafted.
  8. Ask them to give you your blood back. That was not a good deal on your end
  9. This game is depressing. Will anyone feel good if we pull this out?
  10. Rhule has stolen all of the excitement I had for many many many years watching the Panthers. This season to me is already feeling like the Clausen year on the interest scale. I don’t think anyone would disagree at this point that we are a bottom 5 team in the NFL, which has been the case the previous two seasons as well.
  11. This entire organization is a joke. Rhule will scratch and claw today to beat a Giants team who sucks. This is a battle for his job which is why he does not care for any change in giving other players a chance.
  12. Nailed it. It makes me cringe every time he is on the mic. He acts like he has an answer to everything, but it sounds terrible to the rest of the world.
  13. Is it due to Tepper, Rhule, or just because we are not winning?
  14. @Zod wake up and give us your take you slacker
  15. True or not we all know this team is a mess. The results speak for themselves, and you know that the players feel a certain way if you are risking safety and health each week for a terrible coaching staff and game plan. You can feel good having two 5 win seasons and lose at home to a Jacoby lead Browns team.
  16. Reminds me of Cam a bit when he first arrived. It takes real leaders to change bad culture. I hope that our next coach brings this attitude over the used car salesman persona. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRaL1ULR/ This came up on my timeline from 2014 and it reminded me of how Cam slowly changed the culture before the magical season in 2015 which brought the culture to heights I didn’t think possible. How quick things change in the NFL….
  17. Agreed. The “Versatility” movement seems to be something that is not working well.
  18. He literally had no answer other than saying Elf is capable and that Bozeman had his injury at a bad time in camp. It’s a complete JOKE. Almost every fan knows who should be starting…it is painfully obvious
  19. ARTICLE: Matt Rhule fell to 10-24 as the Panthers head coach with Sunday’s 26-24 loss to the Browns, but he tried to focus on the positives during his Monday press conference. Rhule said he and the rest of the team is “disappointed, but we’re not discouraged” by the result, which came after the Panthers came back from 13 points down to briefly take the lead in the fourth quarter of the game. Rhule tried to focus on the way the team bounced back from a bad start and figuring out how the Panthers could get that kind of effort on a more consistent basis. “Every coach is upset with the result of the game,” Rhule said, via the team’s website. “At the same time, to play that badly on offense in the first half, and still came back and had a chance to win the football game. On defense, so many plays we want back and still have a chance to win the game. So we have to have a really good week, and we have to play much better. I think who we were in the fourth quarter is who we’d like to be. We just have to do it for 60 minutes. When we do that, we’ll be a good team.” The Panthers have a road game with the Giants in Week Two and a more cohesive performance would be a good way to keep others from becoming discouraged about the direction Rhule is moving the team in his third season. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/09/13/matt-rhule-disappointed-not-discouraged-by-opening-loss/
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