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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. I will truly have doubts if they made this move for Richardson.. plain and simple
  2. Your opinion agree to disagree.. I’m not arguing with ppl who think finding double digit sack guys under 25 easy.. Enjoy your night..
  3. There is a unsaid rule from the league office for the team with the 1st pick to try for as long as they can to keep that pick a mystery.. To have some kind of drama on draft night for theatrical purposes..
  4. Watch this please.. We’re not really serious about the trade back thing..
  5. Yep you can try but again finding pass rushers with pro bowl skills isn’t easy.. Or the Falcons would have 1 by now.. Their last 1 was John Abraham a decade ago.. This let’s me know you don’t know what positional value is.. Simple Qb, LT, Pass Rusher don’t get moved when you have good ones..
  6. Ppl need to understand that there is a unsaid rule by the NFL league office for teams to make at least a attempt to keep the 1st pick a mystery as long as they can.. To add some weird drama to the draft.. We knew the Bengals were going to take Burrows but they still made it theatrical up until draft night.. Remember.. Don’t believe the spin!!
  7. If you did the Burns deal you’re grabbing a pass rusher at 36 and 39.. I still don’t get why ppl think it’s smart to give up a 24 year old 2x pro bowl pass rusher??? Do you ppl know what positional value is??
  8. Then we are really a dumb organization if we let the combine make the decision for us.. Plus we just gave up a haul and a corner stone for a player that could be had at 3 or 5..
  9. Woods signed with somebody else already but I agree.. Add a Vet at WR maybe 2.. Get A TE in this deep draft and let’s gooooo!!
  10. Love you Dj.. Wished it would have worked another way.. But thank you for your work and helping us finally get a QB..
  11. Two things can be true at the same time! I know it’s hard for you to understand that..
  12. They aren’t trading back.. If Richardson was the guy they could have gotten to 3 and 5 for less.. They are going for the top 2 guys and that’s why this move was made.. Don’t listen to the smokescreens..
  13. Okay!! Now a few Questions.. Do you have to do that year 1 of a 5 year experience??? If you can’t is that the end all to be all?? Have you seen the FA list right now and the draft??? Are Any of them going to be a number 1 great WR day 1??? So again is this going to be the end of this experience if you can’t get your great WR year 1?? Do you trust the staff you assembled to be able to navigate until you get the Number 1 great WR???
  14. Okay he doesn’t need a perfect team his 1st season.. He is being drafted this high by a team that didn’t make a playoff for reason.. Because it’s not a fully formed team yet.. You can’t do everything this offseason..
  15. So!! I don’t think we are trying to win the superbowl this year?? Did you?? Is 2023 the only season that’s going to happen??
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