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  1. Nothing wrong with wanting depth, but I was curious to taking one so early. I would say in the 5th would be more ideal.
  2. Now that's a draft.
  3. Gotcha gotcha. Can never have too many o-line.
  4. The only RB worth drafting outside of the Boise St guy is Skattebo. If you want a dog, it's him.
  5. Curious, why did you take an OT?
  6. Will Johnson, WR or trade back
  7. I want to win, but I don't want to miss out on Graham. Run defense is horrible.
  8. Then what will be the area of focus in FA?
  9. Did this new crush of yours look good because of talent or because Carter was drawing a lot of double teams?
  10. Wow, I turned the game off thinking it was over. Came back and immediately shouted "Holy crap" when I saw 24-24. Go Sun Devils.
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