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Everything posted by PootieNunu

  1. Im struggling to find a right decision? He fuged up our field to maximize his profits. He half assed it with firing Ron and kept Hurney Half assed it with Rhule and kept Fitt etc. etc. etc. What has he gotten right again?
  2. Maybe because your hand was forced on which QB to select.....other than that its utter incompetency by guys with 50+ years of combined nfl exp?? You pick.
  3. Yea the only knock on him is he is old. It would be great if he was just our slot with a legit #1 WR on the outside. Thats why I didnt lump him in with the run away from the ball guys.
  4. I am sure this will be the official story if they can get away with it. The guy will be taken care of for life under the table for being the fall guy.
  5. We have more of the run away from the ball kind of WRs and slow ass Thielen
  6. It is only tailored to fit Bryce. This is where most of the problem is coming from. We cannot keep running this and taking 4-6 sacks with another 10 knockdowns every game. Our team is not built for this system outside of BY.
  7. Our team is not built for BY, he would look good on a team like the dolphins as they are currently constructed. We need OTs suited for the scheme, kick icky into guard. We need a top tier WR and a handful of guys that can at least get open from time to time.
  8. More excuses, our line looks like dogshit because they cant block for this scheme. IF we were able to line up under center and pound the rock with timely PA passes a lot of their woes would disappear.' I dont get running this same bullshit every week and hoping it will magically get better. Why are we bending our entire team to suit BY . Make him line up under center and play some big boy football and stop with the cutesy bullshit.
  9. The line is running a scheme they are not built for because we have a small QB who cant operate under center. With a bigger QB we could run the power run scheme with heavy PA that we ran last season and actually have guys get open. Nobody respects our run or pass game because they both suck, we dont have the OL or the weapons for the scheme that Bryce has to run. I hope when this round of coaches get fired that they reveal how much Tepper had to do with selecting Young.
  10. IDK why he is mad or impatient, he picked midget boy for his QB and eliminated over 1/2 of a NFL playbook. No reason we shouldn't have Stroud and a hot offensive coach other than stupidity.
  11. A power run game is pretty fuging hard to run when 99.9% of your plays are out of shotgun or pistol formation. BY cannot operate under center or he would have done it more by now, his footwork is garbage.
  12. No just rookie QBs who fuging suck and have very underwhelming physical attributes.
  13. It is not Bryce's fault. This is on Nicole and Dave Tepper. We had no business selecting him at #1 His arm is not strong enough and he is not fast enough. His brain cannot make up those shortcomings at the nfl level. We have to have a steller OL and hella weapons for this to work. TB 2.0 smdh
  14. You forgot spam drafting pass rushers to replace him.
  15. Hurney drafted knockout players in the first which s more than fitt has ever done, IDC how many RBS he overpaid. Do I want Hurney back for 3.0? Hell no, but he is better at his job than Fitt is. He did have the occasional Norman, Hardy, Kalil late round guys too.
  16. No quibbles about those as you only said good players. If we move the needle to great players we probably only have DB standing, and he was drafted by Hurney.
  17. Yea I never understood why he was kept other than Tepper's ineptitude. I didnt have much hope for him following Rhule as he was only hired to be a yes man.
  18. To further this, these are only good players. Not one all pro, barely a pro bowler. Tons of assets wasted on drafting athletic guys who cant play any fuging position. Not to mention all the picks that were traded away to field this garbage.
  19. Doubt it, he probably resigns Foreman to the deal Sanders has now. At least Marty drafted all pro/HoF type guys. He often overpaid some as well but hey at least we won every couple of years.
  20. He sucks so bad against the run he gets left unblocked sometimes and still doesnt make the tackle. or stonewalled by a TE. To top that off in reality he probably isnt even a top 5 pass rusher and that is his calling card.
  21. This is why Burns should have already been signed or shipped off when the Rams came calling. They are going to have to pay him way more than he is worth. Fitt strkes again, he is absolutely worthless as a Gm and should have been gone when Rhule lelft. Hurney was 10x better.
  22. Anyone talking trash about Bryce's performance in this game is an idiot. He had no protection, several drops from his WRs, and next to no running game. We also had an empty red zone trip and he still managed a GW drive.
  23. I really like Ikey as a person and I highly doubt he is slumping because he isnt trying as some have said in this thread.. He just isnt built to play LT in this scheme, BC would be better at LT with Ikey at G in this scheme. Sucks we lost him for the season.
  24. Its also easy to see why. Lots of third and longs with a piss poor OL is never going to be good.
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