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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. Lol are you new? The oline ranked 17 over the last decade and 18 last year. That’s the average. Over 11 years. A couple of those years were absolutely wretched. One of those years was average. One of those years was good. One was above average. The majority was below average. If you were to bet money with this information, it’d go on below average teetering towards wretched. How many teams went to the SB without a top 10 oline in the past 20 years? Like 3. Literally. If we keep on this train expecting an above average oline to hit us like lightning every 6 years we are utterly fuged.
  2. Paradis won’t help much. I get it, he’s a 5-10 top paid C so people see that and think production. But it was a shitty contract, decent signing. We got 1 garbage year and 1 average year for that money. I would not expect anything above average this year. But yea average always means great for the Panthers.
  3. Why? He has shoulder issues that don’t seem to hold up long term. What’s the point of making him sling it in preseason. You also know what you have and they need to thorough test out Mac. It was reported that Mac was awful in the beginning and is progressing quickly. Cam is going toe to toe with a rookie. It would surprise me quite a bit if Cam is their QB for the whole season. Of course it is just practice and preseason, and that never says much about anything.
  4. So they did a better job evaluating him than a NFL ‘GM’. Interesting.
  5. I feel like details really deter a lot of people. Just to make things simple - Moderation. Calorie intake. Balance quality macronutrients (protein carbs and fats). No processed foods. One hour physical activity a day. Adjust. Go from there. It’s as simple as that. That’s basically what any nutritionist will start with. Seriously? GTFO out of here. Advertising spam.
  6. For 6m all guaranteed? Doubtful, but risky nonetheless.
  7. Smitty may be first ever and Peppers second in a few years for ‘career’ Panthers HOF. Then Luke as third if they consider quality not quantity. But looking at other LBs in, I’d like to think he’d qualify.
  8. Intermittent fasting is a lazy way to lose weight fast. That is why people gain it back. Learn to eat healthy and understand it’s for health and a change of life, not for losing weight. That’s a side effect. You’re training your mind, not altering your body. If your goal is to lose weight, what happens when it’s lost? You’re subconsciously training your mind that there is an end date. A healthy lifestyle is for life. That’s how you keep the pounds off. If you’re going to skip a meal, it should be dinner, not breakfast. Eat whole Foods. The meals should be around the size of your fist. In between meals, drink a protein shake. No sugar, no alcohol, no bad fats no bad carbs. Healthy fats and carbs should talk up 30% of your daily diet and be in the form of veggies or highly quality grains. Fats such as from nuts or fish - portion control is the name of the game. May need to adjust as everyone and activity is different. It is hard to have a diet mainly of protein. This is where shakes help. There are a ton of healthy shakes you can make with protein powder. My routine is simple. Eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. Chicken and veggies and quinoa for lunch. Salmon for dinner with no carbs. Switch the salmon for a reasonable sized steak or tofu every week or two. I would limit fruit. Glob of peanut butter every now and then. Cheating is fine a couple times a week. Cheating doesn’t mean triple cheese burger from Wendy’s. It means a couple of small slices of meat free pizza, or a couple scoops of ice cream, or a couple beers. Notice the word ‘or’. Biggest thing here is to train yourself to be happy with very small treats. Skip dinner altogether every few days. Eat dinner early. Before bed and when skipping meals you need a slow digesting protein to ease hunger pains. This is called casein protein. Such as cottage cheese. You can also buy a powder form. That said, you will be hungry. For a bit. There is no way getting around that. Get through it and retrain your body. Yep nice that’s done the hunger pains will go away and you will have more energy.
  9. Lol yep…Cam bandwagoners and fanboys. I mean more fans is great, but let’s be real a lot left for Patriots or lost interest. They were fuging annoying anyways. Nature of the beast I don’t really care, especially because this franchise has so little to offer any new fan. If Panther players expect legit fans, the Panthers need legit success. Otherwise no one cares. All there is to it.
  10. I’m not worried about the defense. It’s going to be QB and oline, because that’s where the Panthers have invested the least - where reasonable expectations will need to be exceeded just to be average. Not so much with any other position.
  11. So they’re literally a *couple* debatable spots off and that shocks you? And yes, position wise and as a team as a whole, I can see why we’re ranked as such. Teams with worse records have better individual players. This forum has to take those homer shades off every once in a while. This team is not that great and hasn’t been that great for 6 years. And honestly, as a franchise as a whole. Still in the bottom 3rd. Instead of demanding Madden get their poo together for a more accurate ranking of the irrelevant poo pile teams at the bottom of the NFL, perhaps being more critical of the Panthers would make more sense.
  12. It’s funny how Rodgers is a whiny bitch but everyone wants Watson legal troubles aside, who whines for the same reasons - both after willingly signing a contract. Its hard enough to root for a whiny bitch but combine that with his legal BS? I guess at the end of the day no one can control all these shitty characters playing NFL, gotta look at it entertainment wise and not look at these athletes as some sort of moral compass. I wouldn’t care if he came here but the price scares me and it’d have to be after all this legal BS or stipulated for a reasonable price.
  13. Ehhhh Ben isn’t quite done. He had the fastest release in the NFL last season with an oline that ranked…as bad as the Panthers yea you read that right, that’s impressive…33 TDs/10INT/94 rating. He’s a savvy QB and most certainly good enough to win if his team isn’t poo Course another year has gone by- I think he’s slowing down though and if the Steelers don’t treat him like an aging qb a la Brady like they tended to do last year, and build around that it’ll be tough that said, still an elite franchise with superior coaching and a superior FO. Their rebuild will probably be 1-2 years (like other elite FOs) compared to Teppers ‘5 year plan’. Just sayin
  14. Wasn’t just the injury. He got lazy. But I wouldn’t consider him a bust. Grier was technically a 3 round pick, beat out by a practice field/XFL guy…I’d say a third rounder than can’t even get a backup QB slot is a bust. But he meets Hurney’s requirement of being homegrown, apparently that means a lot to some people. It’s the Panthers, and considering they didn’t even have 2/3 for a a lot of the years in the past decade, this is pretty sad, generous definition of the word bust: Clausen, Edwards, Little, Gaulden, Fua Butler, Worley, Brown, McClain, are teetering. Past that…a bit better: Irving, Jarrett, Nelson, Seidman, Anderson, Marrow (injuries), Carruth (duh, Tatum, Oliver, Price (injuries), Teetering: Jordan, Terry. So roughly the same number the past decade as the first decade. Don’t know exact number of 1-3 picks each decade had but I’d guess at least 5 of not near 10 more 1-3 round picks for the first decade of Panthers existence.
  15. trade him to the Redskins for a first
  16. Don’t know what the hell you guys are talking about, I wanted Fields but I like the potential of Darnold too. No problem with it. I don’t care if Carter had a good camp. But I’ll answer the question for you. A couple, reasonable, quality 4-3 LBs alongside Shaq will be 12-15m. with Shaqs contract next year that’ll be 32-35 million of the cap going to LBs, or roughly 15-18%. And even more after next year. It’s not going to work. Just rough numbers of course but that to me, is an issue. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t expect much better than Whitehead with Shaq’s contract unless the Panthers devote an unreasonable and possibly detrimental amount of cap to LBs. Again, that is all I was saying. How is this such a wild statement? But feel free to continue to bash my opinion for taking a thread about a Panthers LB and relating it to another Panthers LB and LB position in general, by inaccurately referring to how I wanted a QB in the draft and am butthurt. Makes sense.
  17. I’ll disagree and say Horn will be good if not elite. But, if the choice is Parons and extra picks and resigning Bradberry KNOWING Shaqs contract and the LB position is going to cause major issues later on, I’ll take option B all day long.
  18. If you can’t see how it’s all related, that’s shortsighted. Again, how much do you think a team should be investing in LBs? If Whitehead and Carter should be replaced with quality LBs, how much do you think they’ll cost?
  19. Personally, if we were set on Darnold, and Sewell out of reach, I think signing Bradberry and letting Shaq walk and trading down for Parsons would’ve been a great scenario future wise - cap and value. Extra picks, a CB, and can recover from Shaq’s dumb contract.
  20. Get used to it. When you’re paying one LB a ridiculous amount and he’s not playing like Luke or as versatile, there’s going to be an issue. This is why people who say Shaq is decent never mind the contract it isn’t his fault, and then go to criticize Whitehead have a take that’s shortsighted. I mean what it is it…20 million next year? There was no cap space to do anything otherwise. How much are you willing to invest in LBs? It wasn’t there. Plus the money lost from Luke’s retirement. Hurney panicked combined with his hard on for LBs and this is what happens, another crippling contract. Pretty sure we’re stuck with that next year too. I hope to heaven he isn’t restructured. More cap will help but depending on what they do with Chinn, and moving on from Shaq, LB is going to be a big problem in the near future.
  21. We have graduated from mindlessly debating mock seasons and articles ranking teams and draft picks down to the long snapper before anyone even stepped on the practice field. Shallow speculation to over reacting in Panther land only means on thing. The season is upon us. I’ll take it.
  22. My interpretation - we haven’t done hardly poo to address the line and we expect the QB will have to deal with missed blocks. History tells us no one goes to the big show without an oline, and Rhule is not this magical exception. I am loving the die hard approach to finding a QB but at some point someone needs to realize it’s all for nothing without an oline, unless you feel you’re one of the three teams in the past 20 years to make it without one. In which case you’ll need to find the next Manning/HOF QB.
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