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Call Me James

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Everything posted by Call Me James

  1. My thoughts as well. But if he makes a few key blocks that leads to wins. I'm all for it.
  2. You gave me a strawman - - I'm not freaking out. You gave me an appeal to authority - - being an NFL GM doesn't make your decisions right because you're an NFL GM.
  3. I can do without the logical fallacy you're presenting.
  4. Okay, but that doesn't mean their big board is necessarily correct either.
  5. Let's just trade away all of our first and second round picks then!
  6. I look forward to hearing the people who said we needed to beef up the oline early on in the draft to protect Darnold explain away why that isn't important anymore
  7. He took some time for himself, worked a summer job at Jeopardy, and realized he just wasn't happy at the company he's been with for a decade. Im sure a lot of folks can relate.
  8. I think we have four positions where it could happen, but I don't think a draft works out where you get starters in all four. I'm going to say 3.
  9. You do know he's already played three seasons right?
  10. If they didn't Trade Darnold do you believe they'd take a QB at 2 or trade back?
  11. He's gone through new coaching once already. And the incoming staff at the Jets decided it was time to move on. It's still up in the air as to how good our coaching staff is. But I recall these same arguments being made last year with regard to Teddy who ended up looking like the same guy he's always been. And to be fair, if the Panthers pass on a QB, if one is available, and Darnold doesn't work out the coaching staff better pray to high heaven the guys they passed on look just as bad.
  12. I can't take the all in on Sam bottom of the NFL Darnold crowd serious. It would be one thing if he were a proven veteran, but he's not. He's been worse than Cam and Teddy who we've both brought in QBs for.
  13. It's amazing how upset some of you all get when someone says there's a good chance that a QB who hasn't been good his entire NFL career might not be good here either.
  14. What do mean if. He is. And nothing suggests he was good at his job. But I'm not really going to waste energy responding to an account someone made to troll the Watson thread. And I don't care jack poo about your opinion.
  15. Either take a QB in the first if a top QB drops or forget about it altogether and hope you were right about Teddy or Darnold.
  16. I hear you. Darnold hasn't been good so far in his career and may just be damaged goods at this point. I understand the desire of some fans to place unequivocal faith in the teams staff to always make the right decision and hopefully they're right. But in no scenario would I pass on Fields if he is there at 8.
  17. I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't heard anything definitive yet, but I'm guessing it will depend on the draft.
  18. Read OP again a little slower. He specifically asks what numbers he needs to put up to be considered our franchise QB. The numbers are fair for that question.
  19. Fans want an MVP caliber QB as the franchise QB... And you're mad about it.
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