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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. I like gameday threads to see whose feed is ahead of the other.
  2. 92 feels like 98. Brutal. 75 and feels 75 here at the beach.
  3. Have to watch the Jets coverage obviously. I'll pop in if they smack talk Young.
  4. Hopefully AR and Young ball out or this will ferment poorly.
  5. Rivera knew. Rivera doesn't care behind closed doors. Because Rivera yells too. It's just a handful of Washington players and the media is making it sounds worse than it is.
  6. Hey, man ... you can only tell your kid what you think is right. They'll take that opinion to their genderless, raceless, vape-filled, body-modified, mental health first, entitled safe room and laugh at you via some emojis.
  7. This. What world are we living in nowadays? Safe spaces, don't name call, trigger warnings, etc. The NBA is already soft as can be ... is the NFL going to follow suit? I saw a comedin's bit saying how back in the 80s/90s the youth would always rag on their elders for being tame and soft. Now, in 2023, for the first time ever, elders are looking at the youth and saying the teens are the soft ones lol.
  8. I sort of think the real answer to "why did USA lose" is that for ages we were THE team not because we were better, but because we were more liberated in our country. Other countries laughed at their girls saying they wanted to play a man's game for real. Now, it's 2023. Only a handful of countries are left that still force females into roles. That allows girls to now play at a high level a game their father, grandpa, and great grandpa have been living their life for and a game they too have been playing (just not for keeps). The rest of the world has always been on par with USA ... we just didn't know it. They live soccer in their countires. We live for NBA and NFL and our teenss live for social media likes.
  9. SCREW THAT. I would die. Here are my next 10 HIGHS: 78, 77, 80, 82, 80, 79, 80, 80, 82, and 82.
  10. Man, with every passing season I find watching the NFL harder and harder. Games are getting so boring. The start/stop of action is just too much for me. Panthers better have a decent season or I may move on.
  11. Someone on another board I frequent said: "The Packers kicked some guy with fake credentials and camera equipment out of practice today. He tried to claim he was an intern for the team." Can't find any news on it though.
  12. Just eat some of the money, hepcat, unless you're on a tight budget. You won't regret coastal living. After 12 years in Brooklyn, I just moved to Rockaway Beach (still NYC oddly enough) and it's great. 5 degrees cooler on average than the city, very quiet, constant sea breeze, everyone is chill and relaxed. Of course, I'm right on the ocean. I don't know if beach life is as good if you're far inland. But I say go for it, dude.
  13. Good for these athletes. I will never hate on a man getting the most money he can. These are multi billion dollar businesses. Get paid!
  14. Five years ... $304 million. Sports contracts are wild, man. Wild. Meanwhile over in Europe and the futbol world ... "Saudi Arabian club Al-Hilal is offering a record-breaking $1.1 BILLION to bring over Mbappé on a one-year deal. Transfer fee to PSG would be $332M and his salary would be $776M." Uhhhhh.
  15. I totally get moving out of higher priced areas ... but I just don't understand how people can stand the new heat we have on the planet. Christ, we got like less than six inches of snow last winter! So mild winters and pleasant summers sounds like the way to go. I can see Michigan, since it's near water and away from the coast. Vermont, New Hampshire, Minnesota could all be the new Texas, North Carolina, and Florida.
  16. You might be a trendsetter, hep. I asked on another forum (and here too I think) if people think that within the next 10 years, instead of SO many people moving to the Carolinas, Texas, Florida, AZ, etc., they'll me moving to the northeast or midwest. Sure, you're going to NC ... but you're leaving that hell that is TX. The summer here in NY has been super mild so far. Last year was too. And September is right around the corner!
  17. Yep, it's very trendy to hate soccer and baseball. Especially on an NFL forum lol. Baseball is supposed to be slow. It's relaxing. You just put it on for 3 hours or so and enjoy life. Drink a beer, eat, and watch. Then when the Playoffs come around and the temps drop ... oh lord the energy ramps up x 1000.
  18. Washington's new owner says he's open to a name change lol.
  19. NFL fines Snyder 60 million ... fans rejoice ... people trash him ... but in the end, he's getting 6 billion. Jerk man will be juuuust fine.
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