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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. Exactly. It just irritates me that now that Cam is back everyone that argued opposite beforehand are jumping on the bandwagon of what I've said since the season started. There are all kinds of problems with the franchise currently. It's hard to judge anyone individually. Any qb out there is at least set up to fail. That wasnt how a lot of people felt until recently it seems. I still feel the same.
  2. Hes not my boy. I have no idea if hes HC material or not but I dont think anyone does when you have an almost entire roster churn and all rookie coaches in a season and a half time. Theyve definitely made mistakes. That's how you get experience. The question is what do you do with your mistakes.
  3. Remember how before Cam got here so many people were saying our oline was bad but not as bad as when Cam was here? The tone seems to have changed again.
  4. I think one more for sure. That's not nesscesarily because I believe in Rhule. I have no idea. It is a completely different roster than when he got here 2 years ago. There is hardly any experience on the roster and no experience in the coaching staff. It takes time to completely turn around a team from scratch.
  5. Sure, but I would imagine most players didn't risk lying about it. Aaron Rodgers is just Aaron Rodgers.
  6. He was clearly vaccinated. They had all those rules about having to wear a mask when talking to media if unvaccinated for a while at least. I'm not sure if they still do or not.
  7. Which move besides Gilmore was a move for a short term return?
  8. Always gotta have a scapegoat to single out. First it was Darnold, then we got Cam. It cant be Cam because hes Cam so now its Rhule. When the truth is there is plenty of blame to go around and pre 3-0 start this was still a rebuilding roster.
  9. Heads up, Cam clearly isnt trusted on obvious passing downs. Hes mostly ok when there is always a threat to run.
  10. I'm the opposite. I care about draft position and think Rhule is safe for this season regardless.
  11. I dont know much about Pickett yet. I know on a lot of his tape hes making accurate throws with touch when needed in tight windows. It's not like a lot of college tape where there is no one within 10 yards of the receiver on every highlight. If they draft qb they are going to have to go after oline hard in free agency though.
  12. Lol yea I wasnt talking about you really. I still remember the picture before the season started with Carr in his white gloves throwing the ball like he was carrying a dinner plate above his head.
  13. Yea I feel like as a whole Jake is so under appreciated by so many of the fans here.
  14. I think Robby knows hes not in the position to say much about anyone else this season getting fired based on their performance.
  15. So he chose to risk losing for a couple seasons and put himself possibly on the hot seat so he could prove a point about bringing in his own guys when he was clearly allowed to bring in his own guys of he chose to? I believe everyone just got caught in the Brady hype when he was available and Rhule and Tepper wanted to win the sweepstakes and lept before they looked so to speak.
  16. I believe he had the whole video about wanting answers or whatever it was that was mostly inferred as talking about an extension. He was 0-8 in his previous starts, for lots of reasons. It makes sense that they let him go after there was definitely drama. Regardless of whose fault it was.
  17. I have no issue with the man. I love him as a former Panther. I just dont think hes ever going to be the answer at qb any more nor do I think signing him to a giant extension would have been the right move either, so I dont see it as a mistake that initiated a lot of panic moves. Extending him would have been just as much of a panic move if not more so.
  18. His handling of Cam has been regularly mentioned. I'm not sure how you say that. Also this worse mess that hes in is the same the other 2 qbs played in this season as well right? Did you give them the same sympathy?
  19. A lot of them started hating him the moment the team moved on from Cam (even though it was for the best) and nothing he has done so far has changed his mind and I doubt much can.
  20. They have had plenty of drops that were entirely their fault.
  21. Simpleton view? Most fans were happy with the moves besides some concern over the Darnold move. Hindsight is 20/20. I think maybe you're coming with the naive view if you really dont think most of the haters have hated him since Cam, then using mistakes after they happen to reinforce the argument you already had. It seems more like confirmation bias.
  22. I think a majority of the people who are so adamant about firing him were lost the second they didn't give Cam the big extension he wanted. There is no winning back some of those.
  23. Sure, but every coach is going to make mistakes. Especially a new coach that is also basically in the GM role as well. Now it's basically see if they learn from those next time or dont. I just feel like it's going to take 1 more season to really know anything.
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