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Everything posted by 33inNC

  1. Seriously. Why has he not been cut yet? Hell, why is he even here at this point? Hasn't he shown enough of his bad play?
  2. Tries and succeeds are two totally different things. He can try all he wants, but he consistently gets knocked back by 180lb CB's. Unacceptable at this level.
  3. I remember that this was on more than one occasion. He always seems to be dropped by the first DB he encounters when he actually catches the ball. Even better, he seems to get blown up by the first DB. Id love to see him turn the corner, but I am not holding my breath, he has been bad.
  4. I'd be happy if he failed miserably at Nebraska and we never have to hear about him again. What an idiot he is.
  5. Yep. Don't forget that Gettleman absolutely killed all of the culture with the team with his handling of those he cut. He seemed to make it personal (especially Josh Norman) and the players learned that he gave absolutely no poo about them. See how bad the Super Bowl hangover was? The team just did not give a poo any longer and most of the blame was on the fat guy.
  6. Agree with this 100%, I think it is skewed, but in no way does it exonerate the fat guy. It is crazy how bad leadership in both major sports in Charlotte have pissed away so much in the past 10-15 years.
  7. What more evidence do you need that Gettleman was a complete asshole? Steve Smith? DWill? KB? Anyone else? This organization was a mess at that time and Gettleman was the worst of them all in killing the team.
  8. Since when are we expected to believe anything this dolt says? Nebraska fans will learn soon enough about his lack of integrity and sour on him, especially if he does not win early. I am so glad we are done with him!
  9. I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I have no expectations for this team to do anything good.
  10. I would usually agree with this, but after seeing Miami (and others) do well with our outcasts, I think this team needs an overhaul at coaching/GM. I do not trust this "brainfart" to do anything no matter who is on the roster. Let the young guys play and get rid of the dead weight (Hayward and Oubre, especially).
  11. Sounds to me like another MJ "yes man" thing. MJ liked Miller= everyone trying to please him and justify Miller. Sad days ahead, guys.
  12. Yep, solidified himself as the WOAT owner with this crap. What a parting gift for us fans, asshole.
  13. No, no, no and hell no. IF MJ approves this crap, then he will have sealed his legacy as the worst owner ever.
  14. Agree, remember when this team drafted Kobe Bryant? I say hell no to trading this pick. Don't fug this up Mitch and MJ.
  15. I was waiting for someone to post this. You are so right, does it even matter who we sign at this point? This franchise has wasted so much talent that has gone elsewhere to shine.
  16. This. If you don't admit that this league plays favorites, then you are kidding yourself.
  17. Yea, the most Hornets thing ever. Have a great player, trade him so you can draft him again.
  19. But, Fhule thought he was a starter. Yet another gift that keeps on giving from that POS.
  20. No, they are too young and he'd kill their development. Also, what exactly have we done with that talent so far?
  21. Not only no, but HELL NO. Draymond is great when he has talent around him and he can be the tone setter, but if you ask him to be the team leader, then it will result is absolute disaster. His talent is waning and he will not be able to positively contribute any longer, his antics won't be worth the trouble.
  22. Don't forget, that same starting roster of a bunch of selfish prima donnas could not win poo. Now, when the young guys come in and actually play defense, they win some games. This organization is putrid from top to bottom and no one holds the players accountable for actually playing as a team. Sad how a bunch of bench warmers can create more excitement that the overpaid idiots we call "stars". Oh look, Oubre just took and missed yet another ill-advised 3 pointer and no one ran back on Defense.
  23. I don't think it is because he didn't care, I think is is because of his ego and thinking he knows more than anyone because of his GOAT player status. He surrounds himself with "yes" men who are all scared to disagree with him and he constantly meddles where he has proven time and time again he is clueless in. Id bet that most of the outright terrible draft picks are all him.
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