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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Two biggest questions. Can he stay on the field and can he do that in real games not practice? Last season we didn't even give him a game jersey late in the year when we had nothing to play for. Either we had little confidence in him or we didn't want him banged up. Doesn't look good regardless. But ofc Matt Rhule is the head coach so who knows.
  2. Matt and Scott can't help themselves and we have a former Jets employee on staff helping Fitterer so looks like the trade pipeline with the Jets will continue. Might as well buckle in.
  3. Could be good he would be a nice RZ target for us. But ohh wee mayne that TMJ pick.
  4. Not worried about retaining Baker at all. If it needs to get done we will be able to do so. But no sense putting the cart before the horse this early. Let's see some results first before we start talking turkey about a new contract.
  5. I had forgotten all about this.
  6. Good question. Panthers social media marketed the hell out of both Teddy and Sam so I would imagine there are a good number of both jerseys sitting around somewhere. What a waste
  7. Yeah that's bad. But it's made even worse by the fact that team at the bottom taking up all that space fleeced our head coach and general manager into taking the worst starting QB in the NFL off their hands.
  8. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/farce
  9. We'll have to agree to disagree on that. But even if what you say were true there is the fact that Fox and Rivera even with all their faults combined accounted for two Super Bowl appearances while Matt Rhule has accounted for....well.... https://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/RhulMa0.htm
  10. Quoting me twice in 15 minutes just to berate me because Facebook hurt your feelings and I don't conform to your standards of praising Matt Rhule but yeah I'm the triggered one.
  11. This is revisionist history. I've seen each version of the huddle over the years going back to 2004 and John Fox and Ron Rivera absolutely got a lot of heat for various things including the positional coaches under them. Some people wanted Rivera shitcanned in his first season. This is in no way shape or form limited to Matt Rhule.
  12. Excellent post. For all of Ron's faults he did at least quickly identify his starting QB and even had a serviceable backup for a number of years in Anderson. All of our criticisms the first couple of seasons centered around his in game management for the most part. But he didn't have full roster control and final say like Rhule does. If some gaffes on gameday were the only thing we had to gripe about with Matt there would be less negativity. But instead it's a full picture of failure. Yet some people just cannot fathom how there isn't a line of Panthers fans waiting to personally thank him for his time and get an autograph.
  13. Now you're getting desperate. I'm sure just about anyone can confirm I'm not Carolina-Chuck lol.
  14. Last year poundaway gradually went from optimist to deranged homer and looking to settle scores in every thread (sound familiar?) and finally just abandoned their account in December. Mods are probably just letting the inevitable play out. I'd love to make the playoffs but I wish I could say I have confidence in this offensive line depth for 17 weeks. It's a long season.
  15. Of course it's over the top that's the good and bad of fan communities. But people bashed Rivera for things every single preseason too.
  16. The main poster leading the charge is on their second stint in a year and clearly mentally ill.
  17. Why are we talking about what playoff teams are doing? We got swept by the vaunted NFCE last season and all you want to do is suck Rhule's dick.
  18. Matt Rhule hasn't done much to help our franchise return to winning but he's certainly helped Igo keep the lights on with these threads about him. I guess that counts for something?
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