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Everything posted by Mage

  1. Honest question. Would you not take Michael Jordan on your team for the same reasons? Because he rubbed teammates the wrong way? Or do you care more about winning?
  2. But it still isn't nearly as bad as Terrell Owens! Like come on dude. The problem with TO was how public he made everything. All the crap you are saying is just leaks and sources. Sure yeah it may bother them but clearly has never gotten to the point where it's actually truly disrupted the team like the Owens situations. You are just talking BS or you clearly don't remember all that was wrong with Owens and his antics. And again... why the heck as a fan should I care if some of his coworkers are rubbed off by how he's treated? It's called real-life. People get preferential treatment in all phases of life. At the end of the day though, the final results matter the most. Russ has been at minimum very good in every single season he's played and he wins 10+ games damn near every single year. So what you are saying is ridiculous. Russ being a diva clearly hasn't impeded them in any way. Why would it somehow start impeding a new team?
  3. And they will be so random too. Like he'll just draw the most random comparisons to try and prove a point "Hey, ya'll wanna draft Trevor Lawrence?" "I've seen this kind of love for a Clemson QB before. His name was Tajh Boyd, and the team that drafted him regretted it."
  4. Right lol dude is talking nonsense. On top of that, Wilson isn't anywhere close to the locker-room problem that Owens was. Not even close. Like what?
  5. Okay... but he wins. And he is extremely productive. Like, what? You don't pass on Russ just because he's a "diva". Seahawks win every year and Russ is the main reason for that. Look at all the turnover they have had and yet, still winning. Russ isn't on the decline. He just had a rough stretch last year against good defenses. Are we gonna act like he wasn't leading the MVP race early last year? Give me a break. Russell Wilson is not a problem. To not want to touch him with a 10-foot pole is to not want to win football games.
  6. The guy wins football games and has literally never had a season that wasn't at the very least good. And he has been undeniably great for 5 out of the last 6 seasons. He's also one of the most clutch QBs of all-time. Who the hell cares if he is a diva?
  7. It's insane to me that people wouldn't want to do that deal lol Give me 5 years of being talked about as a Super Bowl contender strictly because of how good our QB is than taking a gamble on hitting the next 3 1st round picks (especially considering the one this year will most likely be used in some way to get a QB).
  8. I know I'm in the minority but I'm easily trading 3 1st round picks for Russell Wilson if that is all it would take and nothing more (we'd need to include Teddy in the deal too though). Like I said in another thread. No reason to think Wilson can't stay healthy as he gets older. He's 32 so we're probably talking 4 or 5 more years of high-level play at least. Some may think that doesn't make us a contender but I disagree. Look at how competitive last year. Add Russ to that, a healthy CMC, and our young players on defense getting more experience? We're at the very least a playoff team. And now with Wilson and McCaffrey on the same offense, we become one of the most desirable spots in the league for any players looking to win-now. Which in a way can help make up for the lack of a 1st round pick in 2022 and 2023. Wouldn't even be any hesitation in my mind.
  9. For Watson? That would be highway robbery. Texans would never accept that. Well maybe if Bill O'Brien returns
  10. The more I watch Justin Fields, the more I like him. Oddly enough... he reminds me a lot of Deshaun Watson coming out of Clemson. I'd say the same concerns I have about Fields, I had about Watson, in that the biggest thing for them was just learning how to go through progressions better and some of the technical aspects of the position. Fields' footwork is a little inconsistent too, don't remember Watson's much in college but Fields has a tendency of not keeping his footwork precise as he goes through the throw. However, he's a playmaker and he's aggressive. My two favorite traits about him. While he's similar to Watson in the sense that he can let pressure get to him too much and how he deals with pressure will need to be improved (poor pocket awareness), he does a very good job for the most part looking downfield and keeping the pass play alive with his legs before deciding to take off and run. I still like Wilson more. Slightly worse playmaker but a better passer. But I'd love if we ended up with either of the 2 after a trade-up.
  11. Yes, Mac Jones is mechanically sound. But he plays for Alabama. And yes, I get it. It is the player, not the team, that matters the most. And I'm usually in full agreement of not holding it against the player for the team he played for. But this is Alabama we're talking about. They are so much better than the next college football team, it is ridiculous. Think about this: Ohio State is littered with talent. They are/were arguably the 2nd most talented team in college last year. They slapped Clemson. And guess what Bama did to them? They clapped them. It wasn't even competitive after the 2nd quarter. Mac Jones has some good traits but it is far easier to look mechanically sound playing at Alabama than it is at a program like North Carolina or BYU. And we're already seeing a trend in the NFL where immobile pocket passers seem to struggle transitioning to the NFL a lot more than athletic QBs. Even a guy like Burrow is far more mobile inside and outside the pocket than Jones (and I'll admit, I was very hesitant about Burrow, but I think he showed enough as a rookie that makes me convinced he'll keep progressing). So you are banking on Jones' mechanics holding up on a team that definitely will not have the kind of talent gap that Alabama has with the next best team. Same reason I wasn't big on Tua (although I liked him more than Jones). Yeah, he was very good if not great, but did he ever jump off the screen? Was I ever like, "man, this dude is why Alabama is so hard to beat?" Eh, not really. IMO for me to take on an Alabama QB, he's gotta be a freak. I'm talking he's got to be the best player on the field. Someone who can take over a game with their arm regardless of what is around him. And I never saw that in Jones. I saw a guy who could play very well on a great team. He's a great manager of the game (I don't mean that in a bad way), but he reminds me of a Kirk Cousins. Again, not a bad thing, and obviously you take that guy in the 2nd round if he's there. But for me personally I don't like watching QBs like that. I don't think that is the QB you want if you want to consistently win in this league (IMO this is the reason why, while Ryan is a very good QB, Falcons as a team are just really inconsistent). You want a QB who can take over games. You want a QB who can leave his stamp on the field no matter the guys around him. And yeah it is possible your team still loses games if they are bad enough (see: 2020 Texans), but that is the kind of guy I want. Someone that will WILL your team to victory. And Jones to me isn't that kind of QB. He's a guy who is going to play extremely well if the talent on offense is there, but he won't elevate you. Which again... not the worst thing in the world, and I do consider the comparison to Matt Ryan to be accurate so if he reached that point then yeah he'd have been worth taking in the 1st round. But that is a long-shot. Nowadays it just feels like it takes way more work for those kind of guys to succeed than it does QBs that can move around. Cousins and Goff are really the only 2 recent QBs taken that are fairly immobile and found success... and WFT let Cousins leave (and he wasn't taken in the 1st anyway) and Rams just traded Goff.
  12. Was he beat out? Or did Payton just have a hard-on for Hill? I'm a lot higher on Jameis than others, I'll admit. Yes, his turnovers are a problem, but 30 INTs is almost certainly an aberration even by his standards. I think with good coaching and effective run game to take the load off of him he could easily be a Pro Bowl quality QB. And I'd EASILY take him over Teddy. I agree with you though it would have to be a cheap deal. But I do have confidence it could work out.
  13. This is a pretty trash take. Panthers could try their hardest and yet it is possible Watson isn't traded or if he is, we're out-bidded. It is possible the Panthers are outbidded for the #3 or #4 overall pick in a trade-up and we're stuck at #8. Lot of things to happen. If you are gonna stop caring about the team because they can't get a QB this offseason, then that is lousy IMO. It isn't like we're not putting in the effort. Last thing the Panthers need to do is reach for a QB for the sake of doing it. All we can ask from them is to do their best and that is what they are doing by all accounts.
  14. I'd much rather stick with Bridgewater than waste money and time on another mediocre QB. Same thing applies with the draft. I don't want this team taking a QB for the sake of taking one. I really really don't want us to draft a QB if it isn't Lawrence/Fields/Wilson. Lance MAYBEEE I'd come around on but honestly I don't know what anyone sees in him when they watch film. He's just a great athlete but that is it. I would not take him in the 1st round, much less top 10.
  15. Maybe in 2021, but by 2022 I'm 90% sure we would be a contender with Russ. I mean really outside of QB, are we any worse than Seattle outside of safety? And while yes Seattle underwhelmed down the stretch and lost in the first round, they still had a chance. I'd have considered them a contender because they absolutely could of went on a run if things worked out. I'm not saying we'd be the favorites. But assuming our defense continues on a upward trend (which it should given the youth), our offense would be good enough to score on anyone even with a lesser OL.
  16. I don't mind if we don't get a QB this offseason. It'd be preferred but not the end of the world. This team is in a great position in 2022. I'd only be mad if we replaced Teddy with a marginal, 'decent' improvement. If it ain't a franchise QB then stick with Teddy Bridgewater. Same ish with Cam. I 100% understood releasing him. The problem was replacing him with Teddy. Why not just stick with Cam at that point? Same thing here. Don't get rid of Teddy just to replace him with another mediocre QB. You either go after a guy like Watson or someone in the draft who you think can be a franchise QB, or you stick with Teddy.
  17. I see no reason why that can't be Russ though. He's never missed a game and doesn't rely on his mobility to the point where his game will have to change much in the next 3-4 years. Honestly, if ALL we had to do was give up 3 1st round picks? And not give up any other players? I'm easily taking that deal. Easily. That gives us a strong 3-year window at minimum to compete for a championship. Even if you don't think Wilson puts us in that talk this year, in 2022 we'll have so much cap space to make splash moves. Of course I think the Seahawks would want players in return. But the 3 1st round picks themselves don't bother me. Wilson is elite and he'd immediately make us a strong contender for the next 3-5 years.
  18. Lol Trask? May as well keep Teddy.
  19. Not sure how I feel about Justin Fields but if that is all we have to give up to move up to #3 then it is totally worth it.
  20. They could get fined up to $5m for each violation, the league itself could choose to cancel contracts, and they could lose draft picks. And Saints wouldn't be able to anything about it. Not sure about when it has to happen though. Maybe 7 days after the start of the new league year?
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