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Everything posted by Cullenator

  1. I honestly dont understand why some of you bother. We suck Its all rigged The NFL wont let us be succesful For fugs sake go find something that doesnt make you so miserable.
  2. I get that the NFLPA is looking out for their members but honestly when you look at the product on the field their efforts have made it objectively worse. By limiting practices, in particular full contact practices, the NFLPA is directly responsible for the lower quality of play that we see week in and week out. If they decide to take up the cause of the playing surface I can only assume that they will find a way to fug it up too. And Im a very pro-union guy. Just in the case of the NFLPA I think they have had a long run of extremely myopic leadership.
  3. I really wish I could get that time back. I wont go so far as to say it was bad but it was pretty predictable and about 3 episodes too long.
  4. You could say the same through 2027 https://fbschedules.com/nfl/carolina-panthers/
  5. well fug... https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/35304457/nfl-sunday-ticket-headed-youtube-2023-season
  6. If you have to subscribe to YouTube TV then it will be no better than the DirectTV option. Just give me the games without a bunch of other poo I dont want
  7. There are few things in the NFL as satisfying as watching Rogers throw an interception
  8. People willing to trade losses this season for the chance that we might be great in 2025 havent looked their own mortality in the face. Give me wins any day
  9. You deserve to be a miserable football fan for saying Superb Owl
  10. Last time I sat in row 1 on the top deck the rails were not an issue
  11. Mirror top, not too low, easy access from all sides
  12. Tell me you have never played sports without saying you've never played a sport. I can know my hands are coming through too early in my golf swing. Someone can even validate it by mentioning it. Ball after ball slices... It doesnt matter that I know during the round. I still need practice reps to fix it.
  13. I dont believe tankers dont want to see the team suck long term. You'll root for losses until we draft the next Manning/Brady/Rogers. Its who you are.
  14. The same reason they drive big trucks with plastic nuts They're compensating
  15. I blame the posters of this forum
  16. Ahhhh so you are talking out of you ass trying to tell everyone how billionaires think Thanks for playing
  17. Are you a billionaire? I mean you are trying to tell us how they think so you must have some knowledge that would give you authority to make that statement.
  18. Tepper is the next Bond villain if you follow this forum
  19. Then go to where they congregate and commiserate. This is a thread about those Panthers no one cares about
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