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  1. I always watch the best game of the week...may be a few of them...good thing is...Mr David Dipper hasn't gotten a dime off my azz...
  2. Oh my, good lawd....double pump me up a double shot of whisky....they know me and Jack Daniels got a history....
  3. Yes...9:30am at the practice field....Frank Reich and Matt Rule will help usher in the the Dave Canales regime.....
  4. The chemistry is Johnson buying Young a chocolate sundae at Dairy Queen.... and rubbing his head...
  5. I did some Popo on the ol lady last night...
  6. Panther bot excuses already....jeez...wait till at least the end of August..
  7. @Wolfcop... shanking me again...its all because his topcat girlfriend is finding out hes a weasel....
  8. ....Just go back to MySpace......
  9. More I look at the WR's group... the more I get pumped as to the possibilities. Looks great on paper....Think its going to depend on ...you know.... Bryce....
  10. 'Doubt we see him play any games before October and won't earn a starting bellcow job until mid/late November.' ....of 2025....lol...this kid is on the shelf....
  11. Haha ...I know... but had throw out some insults to make myself feel better... erbody pissed off now....But wolfee (@wolfcop) outta touch...think hes dating or married to a topcat. Hes prolly a nice guy he/him/his but wayyyy to happy about this team...so...i like to rag his azz.
  12. Apology accepted... no harm all good. I mean...everybody is testy since the Dipper era started.
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