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1st down

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Everything posted by 1st down

  1. I still don’t understand why an owner would give final say on personnel to someone who had zero experience on an NFL level. Guess I finally have to agree that Rhule is one of the biggest BS artists to ever get a head coaching job in the NFL. We are so fuged.
  2. Not much surprise here. Wondering if and when Tepper will wake up and let Fit make the actual GM decisions. Rhule is going to have this franchise so far down the crapper that we might not see daylight for several years. Depressing.
  3. According to Rappaport, Rams will use their own locker room. This from NFL.com:
  4. Clearly someone was watching more closely than I was
  5. Umm, how about the defensive pressure they starting bringing? Mahomes was running around 10 yards in the backfield before he could even get off a pass due to the pressure the Bengals were bringing. Their DT Hill even got an interception, which doesn't happen often for the big defensive line guys unless there is pressure.
  6. Capers was a good coach for us the first two years but completely agree it all went to hell once he got roster control. Sean Gilbert, anyone?
  7. Honest question-after watching the Bengals come back from 21-10 yesterday does anyone remember a time where we had coaching that was able to make adjustments at halftime? I've been following the team since its inception and one of the only times I really remember the team making a significant halftime adjustment was the Super Bowl against the cheating Patriots. They were beating us early on because they knew our defensive signals and at the half I remember the original game plan was tossed, which threw them off and gave us a chance to win. Other than that, have we ever had a coaching staff that was consistently able to do it? Granted, I'm getting old so my memory of the games in the 90's is getting hazy, lol.
  8. Hoping the Bengals shock the Chiefs. Kind of meh on Rams and 49ers.
  9. It comes down to coaching. Unless NO manages to find someone worse than Rhule then it will be us. Throw in Darnold as starter and there’s no contest.
  10. Glad to see Rhule finally hiring guys with actual NFL experience. Don’t care if it’s because he was told to do it by Tepper or if he had an epiphany. Either way works if we obtain actual experienced NFL coaches.
  11. That is crazy. If I'm the kicker I double check the call before kicking off. If everyone sitting at home knew what should have been coming then Bass should have known also.
  12. Rams feeling the pressure now.
  13. Nothing would surprise me at this point. I’m sure Rhule looks at the fearsome duo of McAdoo and Garoppolo and thinks Super Bowl. And then proceeds to take a long snapper with the first pick.
  14. It’s like the loser in high school waiting for the prom queen to break up with the captain of the football team so he can have his chance. Just because he’s interested doesn’t mean she’ll reciprocate.
  15. The only one I would be good with trading is CMC. The guy can't stay healthy and we can't count on him anymore. I might be ok with trading Burns but only if we keep Reddick.
  16. Regardless of who is hired as OC, nothing will change as long as Rhule is here. Can’t polish a turd
  17. First line of this post says it all. Rhule's ego told him that he could do for the Panthers what he did for Temple and Baylor. He came in and said all the magical words that Tepper wanted to hear and since he was already considered a hot candidate, Tepper opened up the checkbook. Whether he regrets it now, we have no idea. All we do know is that Rhule is so far in over his head that he will probably never sniff another NFL job once we do finally take out the trash here in Charlotte. Hoping it still happens before next season.
  18. If you were any good at your job, would you want to come work in this mess?
  19. He deserves some recognition for all he has done in charity work here. Don’t know why some people have such a problem with him. Well, I do, but that is an entirely different discussion. Happy for him.
  20. I am hoping that we won’t be the Lions or Browns.
  21. Steeler fans have been wanting Tomlin fired all year and he has never had a losing season. If they are talking crap about him, then yes, as Panther fans, we are within our rights to point out how horrible our current regime is.
  22. What is so depressing about all of this is no one is getting any younger and some older fans may not be around when we finally do with a SB. Not saying I’m ancient, but I don’t want to be in a nursing home crapping in my Depends by the time this team gets it together.
  23. Thinking the Rams will take this one unless Murray plays out of his mind. I just don’t have faith in a team that the Panthers destroyed this season (and yes, I know the Cards were playing their backup QB). Hoping for a quality game in general after the poo show games yesterday.
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