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Everything posted by LinvilleGorge

  1. There's some guys on that list that have a good chance to still be on the board in the 3rd round.
  2. I was just joking around with you. Appreciate your clarifications above though.
  3. Saying you're clearly smarter on the subject and prompting others to "do a little more research" and acting as if your opinion is fact is essentially calling others a dumbass and does make you an asshole. Just because others disagree with you doesn't mean they need to "do more research" so that they may hopefully one day be as enlightened as you are on the subject.
  4. I'm just saying, if you want to be a condescending asshole and try to act like you're smarter than everyone else, at least give it a shot.
  5. My bad. I thought you were a USC fan. I try not to be a grammar Nazi, but when someone is being as condescending as you have been in this thread while using terrible grammar, I admit that I cannot resist.
  6. Really? You know it's okay to have a difference of opinion without getting butthurt, right?
  7. Your opinion. That's fine. I'm not going to stoop to insults. But, I think your opinion is shaded by USC fandom.
  8. Rashad Greene and Justin Hardy for sure. I'd argue for Kevin White too.
  9. Gordon has a lot of carries that go for a loss or no gain. I don't even think he's the #2 RB in this class. I think that's Tevin Coleman.
  10. Ah... yeah, that probably explains it then.
  11. Yeah, honestly I'm a little surprised they cut bait on Oher so quickly. $2M in cap savings isn't that much in the grand scheme of things. Right now, they have a former UFA penciled in to start at RT. With Oher struggling with injuries last year, I figured they'd at least bring him into camp this season to see if he could regain his form if healthy.
  12. Oher was cut due to cap hit. They just paid him way too much money. They saved $2M in cap space this season by releasing him. That figure jumps to $4M next year and $5M in '16.
  13. This. Seems like that ship has pretty much sailed. Maybe he could still end up in Carolina, but at this point it would definitely be a surprise.
  14. Basically this. QB is the one position that skews draft values. Basically, if you don't have a franchise QB and you're on the clock and you think there's a potential franchise QB on the board, then you pretty much have to take him. If you have a franchise QB in the NFL, you can compete. If you don't, you can't. It's pretty much that simple. Locker definitely had intriguing talent. Great arm and showed great moxie. The big question mark was his accuracy, which to be fair is a huge question mark. Honestly, I think he might could've turned into something if he could've stayed healthy. Guess we'll never know.
  15. I never understood the Gabbert hype, but yeah, I thought Locker had the potential to be a poor man's Favre. Unfortunately for the Titans that didn't work out in large part due to the fact that while Favre was the NFL iron man, Locker was seemingly made of glass.
  16. I'd be pretty doggone nervous about taking that many small school guys, especially that early in the draft.
  17. I can't wait until people like you leave this site and follow your chosen one on over to the Bucs. Good riddance.
  18. If you have a QB in the NFL, you can compete. If don't, you can't. It's pretty much that simple. Now that the rookie salary scale protects teams from having to pay top picks like future Hall of Famers, you almost have to roll the dice on a guy if you think he's a potential franchise QB and you don't have one. It's the exact reason why I wanted the Panthers to take Cam #1 overall. There were a ton of question marks about him in terms of being able to play QB in the NFL, but the raw talent was undeniable. Under the rookie salary scale, I felt like we couldn't afford to pass him up. Under the old system of paying him a poo ton of guaranteed money, I would've been mighty nervous.
  19. Yikes. That's a scary prospect for Tampa. I mean, I don't think anyone necessarily disagrees with what the lawyer is saying, it's just pretty shocking to see someone in Winston's camp openly admitting it.
  20. Think about it. Would any GM ever admit that the player he took wasn't the guy who he thought was the best player on the board?
  21. I'd almost guarantee need gets factored into the draft board. When a GM says that he goes straight by his draft board and takes the BPA, those rankings already have the need piece factored in.
  22. This. I think there's a lot of misconception about "BPA". IMO, most teams factor need into their draft boards. Like it or not, need definitely becomes a factor. You look at the guys Gettleman has taken in the first three rounds under Gettleman and all of those positions also just happened to be positions of significant need. Gettleman has even spoken about how he wants high draft picks to be immediate contributors.
  23. Very possible. I can't imagine teams are willing to offer more than one or two years while he's probably looking for that deal that will carry him into retirement. Sucks to be in that spot for him. Tough to feel bad for a guy who's a multi-millionaire, but at the same time, at 31 he's probably looking at playing anywhere between 3 and 6 more years however he probably doesn't want to have to bounce his family all over the place in order to do that. I'd have no problem offering him a 3-4 year contract as long as it gives us an easy out. He comes in and produces, then he has his security. He doesn't, we can thank him for his time and move on. If he wants that retirement contract, that'll be the type of deal he has to sign. No one is committing significant guaranteed money for him.
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