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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. For the blocking. It's the only thing he can do, and he's average at best at that.
  2. Until the Panthers show they have a wr threat besides Robbie and DJ most teams will key on him and DJ and single cover the others. If the oline improves so will the ball distribution.
  3. Sam didn't have a lot of time to get Robbie the ball deep. It looked to me like the Texans were committed to not getting beat deep so what can you do but take what they give you which was the middle of the field. I think I heard Troy say the Sam had 6 20+ yard throws last night. That is pretty damn good considering what he went through.
  4. Exactly, CB's will not get much respect for Smitty.
  5. Of course they will, it's the way it goes. It's no different than every other team has to face. You know the saying, if you want to be the best you have to beat the best. Right now there are only a hand full of teams that this team will struggle with. I will take that all day long with a rebuilding team. The future so bright I have to wear shades.
  6. Well we are playing mostly freshman and sophomores so it's a wash.
  7. Are you comparing our yards based on our 3 games vs 2 games for the other?
  8. Oh they were crappy alright. So crappy that it was obvious something else was going on. They did their best to prevent the Panthers from getting in any kind of rhythm last night on either side of the ball. When Huston needed a break to get yards on O they got it from the refs every time. It was a screw job but the Panthers still found a way to win and that's the sign of a resilient team.
  9. You're not going to get anyone worth signing short term. I doubt you get anyone worth signing long term either at this stage of the game. Sadly we will just have to make due. They will probably bring up someone from the practice squad as emergency depth until Horn returns.
  10. I heard that. But to be fair he does that to nearly every CB.
  11. He did better than I that he would with only 11 football games at the collegiate level under his belt.
  12. That's nothing, I'm the Senior Custodial Manager and CEO with an MBA in refuse collection. Top that!
  13. They don't care man. It's by design, got to keep Vegas happy haven't you realized that yet.
  14. Brother I was just like most on here that doubted there was anything left of him to be worth the time it would take to even try to get anything out of him. Watching this kid you can tell he has what it takes to be a good qb in this league. That's all we need.
  15. I that he will do. We could be so much worse off right now it ain't even funny. He's slow winning over the doubters like myself but some will never accept him not matter what. That's fine, we need fools to laugh at. In short, he is definitely not the worst qb in the league. Do you smell that? It's the smell of crow cooking. Be ready haters.
  16. Can we get him as our backup when Huston has their fire sale?
  17. They are reviewing the tape to come in here their yeah but's so they still have something to bitch about. Can't even be happy with the win.
  18. Refs influencing the out comes of games? Nah, just the score. Got too much money riding on it. This is what happens when gambling is involved.
  19. Brady is calling these long developing plays that's going to cost us this game. This oline cannot hold a block longer than 3 seconds, if that. No run game, no special teams and the refs helping the opponent is a recipe for disaster.
  20. Let's see what Brady can do with no run game to rely on. The Texans are going to pin their ears back.
  21. Hard to win when you have to beat the refs too.
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