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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. The mental image that description produced was enough for me. I may never recover.
  2. Yes we did. We didn’t loose until the 2nd Atlanta game. Not sure what week it was in but we had played at least 10 games before we lost.
  3. My friend you are debating with a fool. My unwanted advice is to save your energy for someone that has a clue of what they are talking about.
  4. Now this I can believe. That should have been the score last Sunday! fugit, I'm in! Let's kick some Texan ass!!!!!
  5. I think I am learning your way on everything except that we lose. The score will be much closer than anyone expects, but we still win the game.
  6. I'm really nervous about this game for some reason. It may turn into street ball where it's just a circus of their qb running around like Russell Wilson throwing up ducks that somehow find open WRs.
  7. I hate Thursday games. But it's the Panthers so Keep Pounding!
  8. Hard to say really. Older versions weren't as flexible but stout in their own right. Talk to me when the seasons over.
  9. He's always looking for things to complain about with Sam. Some valid, most nitpicking things that every qb does. Mainly it's because hes not Fields. Sorry @CRAyou know it's true.
  10. Dude, look at the defense. Half of it has new players that are more capable of playing one on one. There's no coincidence they are playing it this season. I just think you want to pigeon hole this are some revelation. Anyway, I've said my peace so have at it.
  11. Agree to disagree. I just think there is no way you run this role specific defense with the group he started with last season and no time to teach it.
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