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Everything posted by BIGH2001

  1. Ridiculous hyperbole and hysteria. You forgot to add “while killing my grandma” or “sacrificing my sister who has asthma.”
  2. https://www.wfae.org/post/mecklenburg-wont-release-covid-projections-after-use-model-questioned#stream/0 Mecklenburg County backtracks on chicken little model. Modeler defends his garbage product saying you have to know when your peak is for his projection to be accurate.
  3. Just completed my antibody test
  4. I plan on getting this test this week. I came back from Florida mid-February and developed a nasty cough that lasted for about 3 weeks but no other symptoms. Did you just pay out of pocket at a private lab?
  5. Read back a few pages and totally agree with the sentiments regarding stay at home. When and why did we move the goalposts from flatten the curve to minimize death at all costs? Is it because we are in an election year? I hate to be cynical but I feel like it's politician CYA time and they are playing a game that has a very high costs.
  6. Sadly they would be more accurate than IHME, Imperial college and whatever this mecklenburg model came from.
  7. And also haven’t we learned our lesson about relying on models to predict anything about this virus?
  8. This is exactly the kind of bs that keeps us under draconian rule. How could a peak be in mid June? What the hell is the difference between 30%, 40% and 60% social distancing? Does this assume the stay at home order is lifted May 1st. What are they assuming is the transmissibility rate of the disease? What is the hospitalization and fatality rate? Do they know how many people have already had it and recovered? If a layman has all of these valid questions why in the world does the media put this crap out like it’s the Bible just to stoke fear and irresponsible actions by the public?
  9. Agree. It made sense to treat the whole country like NYC until no one else became NYC. Now it’s time to start opening back up. Unfortunately I’m seeing a lot of goalpost moving from people terrified to leave their homes. The vast majority of people are going to be ok even if they catch it, assuming they haven’t already had it. EDIT: I don’t begrudge anyone for staying at home but current data shows that it’s a statistically irrational position for healthy people under 65 to be afraid of going out at all.
  10. Yeah but this is a new disease and a large part of America can’t wade themselves past click bait headlines designed for maximum shock value.
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-04-20/coronavirus-serology-testing-la-county%3F_amp%3Dtrue LA serology study data shows infections 20-50x greater than reported, mortality rate closer to .1-.2%.
  12. My Facebook feed says the exact opposite.
  13. I have as well but we only have 5 employees. Also open floor.
  14. Trump didn’t issue a return to work order. The reopening of closed businesses is up to the governors. Of course individual companies can decide what to do after that.
  15. Same. I went to Florida in mid February and developed a cough for 3 weeks when I got back. Almost no other symptoms but I couldn’t shake the cough, it woke me up several nights and I couldn’t go back to sleep.
  16. Politicians lie, who knew. Are you just learning that?
  17. These stay at home orders are doing wonders for the economy already.
  18. Can you give me the winning Powerball numbers so I won't have to worry about it?
  19. I’m concerned that we are losing sight of the original purpose of social distancing to begin with. We were told that the hospitals needed to ensure they had adequate surge capacity to deal with corona cases. We are seeing empty hospitals nationwide. Now it seems like the policy has shifted to “no one can die from this.” People are being gaslighted for wanting to actually earn a living. We knew all along this would still be with us after the first wave. It’s time to move on.
  20. Why would you open retail and not allow restaurants to reopen at half capacity? I didn’t realize mass transit was closed,
  21. I don’t know if I trust anyone in charge to make the right decision on striking that balance. I don’t know what kind of business you own but if it is public facing at all you are still going to have a large subset of the population who will be scared of their own shadow even after we are officially told we can go back to “normal.” I think that the media coverage of it has been over the top and fear mongering. Again, I get that we had to be warned so some of it was necessary but people have been given no hope. Its a dangerous thing.
  22. How long are you willing to do it?
  23. There's not really been high transmission outside of NYC, Detroit and New Orleans. Either we didn't act too late or there's something else going on. I haven't really read about the hospitals being overwhelmed, most are operating under capacity right now and laying off workers. There are predictions out there (including the infamous IHME model) that assumed social distancing and they still went way overboard. They have since significantly revised their projections.
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