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Everything posted by PandaMan

  1. To a T. This team looks like they’re going through the motions every game but he plays with energy that honestly has been gone since Norman left, but TD brought the thunder as well. Sorely missing guys like that.
  2. Had a feeling you might make such a correction! And you would be right
  3. Step 1: Steal Nathaniel Hackett Step 2: Make him OC Step 3: ???? Step 4: Profit Once Nixon was promoted instead of Ryan, I’m not sure what is happening at all on the offensive side. They could still promote him and he’s really the only viable option in-house that I see, but idk if they will. I’m scared. He could also suck big time. Very slim pickings for quality right now. Guys like Pederson and BoB are getting HC interviews and won’t want to come into this situation. No good coach will want to come here with a trash OL and unknown QB situation. It’ll only tank their future opportunities once it inevitably fails
  4. The NFL isn’t as fun when the Panthers suck, so the NFL hasn’t been as fun in quite awhile. But, I’ll still watch the games. A lot of my Panthers gear are gifts so I’ll simply have to tell folks that my birthday is gonna go in a different direction this year lol. Or maybe a golf club with “Fore Rhule” etched on it
  5. Yeah he’s better than people are giving him credit for (as a coach). He even won a couple playoff games.
  6. Some of his Texans teams overachieved, I mean he went to the playoffs with Brian Hoyer. Just keep that man away from ANY personnel decisions. They could do worse than BoB if they follow that one simple rule
  7. Hmm, that’s really interesting. I knew we put them in bad positions but I didn’t know it was that bad. The fact that we still are the best in yardage is the most surprising thing. Despite that, the defense can hold for awhile but it feels they always give up a big play when we most need them not to. 3rd and 16? No problem. Thankfully it’s better than it was last year in that regard, but even with the resources we’ve dumped into it, they just don’t have that clutch factor yet edit- the field position is definitely from our putrid offense and ST. Why is Chase Blackburn still here? The only bright spot is having a PR who doesn’t fumble
  8. Ah, yeah I forgot about that. That blows. With Rhule returning imo he’s going to go balls to the wall signing people to save his job.
  9. It would depend on what contracts they sign with their new team. I’m not sure of how it all works offhand but Reddick will get paid. We’ll probably get a 3rd for him. If they both sign big deals elsewhere we’ll get two separate picks I believe
  10. Anything to rake in that cash. Adrian Peterson made an account years ago lol. I’d bet money Warren Sapp does, too. Poor Jimmy
  11. LOL. Someone paid for Jimmy to do this. This is fuging hilarious
  12. Luke said he left to hunt and fish… this guy lived and breathed football for years. Maybe the reasoning is true, but I definitely think once the coaching staff showed their ass to him he left in a tizzy. He would be such a great coach. His knowledge for the game is on the level of Peyton Manning
  13. Wouldn’t surprise me. He’s a smart guy. He also wasn’t very good anymore, he was terrible with the Seahawks before he retired. But I’ll always appreciate Third Leg, he was so clutch and I can’t remember him ever dropping a pass except maybe once. That Seahawks come from behind win in 2015 had me over the moon. Good times.
  14. Picture evidence of his ankle injury which led to this entire thing to begin with. Aaron Rodgers and other people have also never been cut mid-game lol. I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. The situation with AB is unique. He said he was hurt, couldn’t play, he says he has photographic evidence. His coach cut him during the game after he allegedly was injected with pain meds and he couldn’t manage the pain while still playing to his standards. I don’t know what’s hard to get about it. Did he act professionally on the way out? No. But if what he says is true, he should be heard and we’ll see what the facts say.
  15. There was no limp because, per his statement, he was injected with pain meds to avoid that happening to begin with. When he got into the game and was running full speed and running routes, obviously his ankle would be irritated. I’m mostly playing devil’s advocate here, but Aaron Rodgers went out with a knee injury against the Bears a few years back. Goes into the locker room, comes back out and balls out to get a come from behind win. Clearly loopy in his post-game interview. It does happen, and it happens a lot. AB has mental health issues imo, but just because he does doesn’t mean everything he says is a lie. If he said Arians put a fish head in his locker and then cut him, sure. But this is a believable story. His attorney says they have picture evidence so we’ll see how it plays out. I like to get the facts before crucifying folks
  16. Cutting while running routes is different from jumping jacks. AB might be full of bull, but with Arians’ history of assery and the Bucs history of mismanagement, it wouldn’t surprise me if this is true. Like a lot of things though, the truth is mostly in the middle
  17. And I’m all here for it. Sounds like something Arians might do, he’s a known prick and they were missing key WRs while losing to the Jets. Didn’t quite expect AB to clap back like this so soon. If the injury stuff is true it should be easy to prove. Really interested in how this plays out
  18. I think TE was like #2 in the average Wonderlic score by position. Maybe he’s truly playing big brain games this whole time… or he dragged them down to #2 from #1
  19. “Wait, TMJ is a player? Not TMJ jaw syndrome? How long are his arms?” - Rhule, probably. I think he can turn into a great player but this staff is a joke. His high pointing ability in camp/preseason can’t be taught and he’s got that in him. I’m surprised Tremble has flashed as much as he has while overcoming the coaching.
  20. It didn’t really serve much purpose but it was fun to see the results. There were average trends for position groups which I found interesting. I think RB was lowest and OL (they lumped them all in together) was highest
  21. We have 1 good starter on the line and a bunch of crap and unknown, albeit promising talents. Yes, totally agree with trading down. However, this draft isn’t great for QBs so finding someone willing to give up enough to actually trade down meaningfully is the hard part. But I have faith in Fitt in that. If we traded down to mid-late teens I would still take Lindenbaum.
  22. I mean, aren’t we? It’s not good to reach for needs and I’m not saying we need him specifically, but we seriously need OL. I don’t care where it is. Drafting down is still preferable as long as we still take good OL talent. It’s a deep draft for this
  23. To me it’s not the fact that our team is bad. I’ve seen worse Panthers teams. It’s Rhule’s double standards and the complete regression across the board, despite having more talent on the team. He claims that he won’t make comments on game day until after he looks at film, but when the starting QB isn’t his guy, he will throw him under the bus without a second thought. Joe Brady wasn’t his guy and he went out of his comfort zone to hire him. Joe Brady, who was the passing coordinator of the leading pass offense in college football history at the time, only to be given a poo OL and poo QBs. Then when it wasn’t working he tells Brady to just run more. He gets fired, the offense somehow looks even worse after his buddy is promoted. It’s not just one thing, but a complete failure around the board. Like I’ve said before, the last Chiefs game was a well coached game and Rhule actually did show some promise last year. But he doesn’t know how to build an NFL team. The more time he has, the worse we are. It’s that simple. We are laughably bad and I don’t have faith in us beating any team except maybe, mayyybe the Jags.
  24. I’d be for this. Initially wanted to trade down and get Cross, but with Christensen looking promising at LT we should just go best OL available with how bad we are across the board. Just hope his arms grow .75 inches so he can actually start at LT next year since I fully believe Rhule will return.
  25. Watched The Big Lebowski recently and went on a White Russian enjoyment session. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt
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