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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. I have a lot of empathy for people less fortunate and lucky than I have been. athletes, are a different story. Met enough to not buy in to their pathos I applaud those who use their platforms for good even if they do it for not necessarily for noble reasons (publicity or a tax break) or because they really are trying to make a difference they are still human but a few of them, of their transgressions are the very worst of our society I appreciate their athletic gifts and their ability to maximize them but that’s it just like the comment about the locker room...please...it’s a job...at my job, I had to be teammates with people and produce. Spent 60 to 80 hrs a week with them. Sometimes more. It didn’t mean we were bosom buddies or I wanted to see them after the assignment was done If anything, I didn’t want to be around people who lived and breathed work. to be frank , when I read Bennett’s stream of consciousness statements, i wanted to say ‘for fug sake, grow up’. Life is hard and sometimes disappointing. Just put your big boy pants on and shut up
  2. Exactly Rhule acts like he walked into the office one day and was told this is his quarterback if he is as brilliant as he thinks he is, he should have seen Teddy on tape to know what he had before agreeing to bring him in.
  3. Yep. It’s why I retired. Too many sleepless nights of having to layoff great workers and their only sin was being a US resource I was told who was going and I had to do it or I would go as well. They didn’t care about the person, the client ratings, the skills, the need for those skills to grow the business It physically, spiritually made me sick and mentally exhausted me I could not even thank them...had to read a prepared script as if they were nothing
  4. Quite frankly, that was my first thought with all of the coaching departures after year one Years at my Corp IT job, I managed people and was managed. Lot of yelling and screaming by Execs who had been taught better. By and large, they all failed the most successful Exec VP, I and others worked for, was a very very smart and kind five foot tall woman. Direct in her ‘asks’ and her expectations and she never raised her voice. I had hardened engineers working very late at night for her without being asked because they knew she had integrity and was trying to make things better. Morale and productivity was very high. When she retired, people cried There is ‘no crying’ in corporate America but true leaders were few We knew with her retirement it was back to Dilbert. I share this story because yelling and threats only work for a little while. I doubt Andy Reid is much of a yeller. I don’t know about Rhule. Time will tell. I hope for my season tickets he is successful
  5. No one makes anyone do anything he made more money in one year than most on this forum make in 10 there are plenty of people working two jobs and trying to keep food on the table and the heat on and medical bills paid people in food lines in America for god’s sake he had a gift. He had an opportunity. He was paid well for it. What he did with it was up to him. He could have left at any time I do not feel sorry for athletes I feel sorry for men like my grandfather who grew up during the depression, drafted in WWII and had back injury and surgery back then made it worse but he got up and went to work everyday to provide for his family until the stress of that injury killed him at 62. He had no choices Martellus had many
  6. And Lawerence didn’t ? a lot of people say these things and truthfully I watch college football on Saturdays, most receivers are open by a lot more than the Nfl I stopped watching college for a long time because they simply had no defense most college defenses are not that great..they simply aren’t
  7. Good share it’s funny, the knock on this kid is competition and small school i had to watch Zack Wilson in every game as my SO is a BYU alum its not like BYU’s competition were world class either. More like a D1 team playing D2 give me the choice and would take Lance of size, accuracy potential but not to worry, knowing the Panthers ability to screw up, they will probably trade and pickup Sam Darnold. I don’t think they have any idea what they need. If they did, Bridgewater wouldn’t be here while he is more accurate and a bit smaller he reminds me of Cam with his athleticism and you can’t teach that
  8. Rhule said the same thing about Jones he also said the same thing about Bridgewater he says a lot of things
  9. Well Simms did play the position in the NFL so there is that I didnt want Stafford and I don’t want Watson either. Costs too much one thing about Rhule and this new GM, they sure do talk a lot probably not a good idea in poker or in the world of NFL personnel The desperation is apparent Who knows...maybe it’s the world’s greatest smoke screen
  10. Yep and I particularly loved Rhule who talked about ‘building a culture’ to justify the win and then bringing in Dwayne Haskins it is mind boggling Rhule would do that and even Haskins turned him down I mean talk about a ‘winning culture’ that game meant nothing. He could have started some fringe players to see if they were worth a roster spot but hey. Winning culture I want to like Matt Rhule but I just don’t think he is ready for the big time and while bridgewater is inadequate, it’s not like he dropped from the sky. Rhule agreed to him being here his coaching decisions cost a few games too. Best see improvement thus year, with it without Teddy
  11. It came from PFT today with Florio and Chris Simms. Simms quoted a close associate/friend of Stafford’s who says Stafford stated he didn’t want to come to Carolina
  12. Yep. If the snip of the clip pops up today I’ll share it I think it is far better for the Panthers to draft their own QBs and groom him their way anyway as I’m not sure how veterans view their career with a staff that has done nothing Just fact not criticism
  13. appreciate the effort however No need to convince me about Breet or anyone else as I didn’t say it chris Simms said directly that he had a close contact connection with Stafford who said ‘Stafford didn’t want to come to Carolina ‘
  14. Just repeating what was clearly said by Simms on that show and he was direct i said previously it takes two to tango and I’m not sure the Panthers are currently a place that free agents want to be Given the panthers record with free agent, not sure that’s a bad thing too how players are treated matters in essence two Panthers QBs have not exactly been handled very gracefully by the org
  15. No he stated not New England first and then when the Panthers approached, stafford said ‘no’ er the TV report so their were two NE and Carolina per Simms contact
  16. Just quoting what was said. simms implied they would rather live in LA among other things
  17. Report just now on Pro Football talk on TV hosted by Mike Florio and Chris Simms Simms just stated on the show that per a reliable inside source that: 1. Stafford did not want to come to Carolina and the 2 Panthers did offer Lions the number 8 pick which of course was higher than the Rams this year
  18. Get your point however 1. Teddy didn’t drop from the sky. Rhule should have seen what he was on tape and said ,nnaaaahhh’. He didn’t and know acts like he found out his significant other was cheating on him...and he is bitter and surprised about it...like he saw nothing and had no choice. I hate coaches like that and he is running his mouth too much about it. 2. Rhule the ‘culture guy’ brings in Haskins and offers a future contract and gets snubbed. That totally smacked of desperation 3. Now, he seemingly falls in love with a guy for intangibles and smartness. Maybe Jones is the next Peyton Manning, maybe he is the next of long line of failed drafted QBs without the arm to compensate for the speed of defenses 4 the handling of Newton, not his fault either I don’t know about Rhule but those are 4 red flags and we best ,hope that the new GM truly has input and a brain. Too, seems to me the NFL is like poker...you don’t tell anyone what you are thinking when it comes to players on your roster maybe Rhule is the next Pete Carol. Maybe not. I’m not sure either way
  19. The Redskins are a QB and role players away from being a very good team. The NFC East would probably allow for a playoff run the Panthers will need a brand new o line if I recall, Matt has taken a beating over his career. he would probably like to be somewhere with a chance at the playoffs and not getting beat to death I don’t think that is Carolina
  20. Well. Two things over and above team makeup upside Tepper is a very progressive and vocal supporter of social issues That is a 360 to Houston Tepper is probably the most socially aware owner in the league flip side Newton was deshaun’s mentor. They are friends. We all know the Tepper handling of Newton was not exactly graceful
  21. To be fair, Brady’s combine pic was not exactly....athletic now granted, he does look like a beer and a biscuit over the line there
  22. I understand what you are saying but I disagree a d the article starts with 2018, not 2020 decisions coaches make during in game situations, end of half, end of game, sitting on leads, defensive alignments, not making adjustments, play heavily on the outcomes coaches also are part of personnel decisions Rhule infuriates me because he had to know what Bridgewater was and if he didn’t, god help us. I get Brady wanting his security blanket but the answer should have been ‘no’ rivera, knowing Cam was damaged, had zero backup qb plan it’s not like these things just happen there was either willful ignorance or poor planing or poor decision making in either case
  23. Bingo mine as well I was wrong about Justin Herbert and that’s who we should have moved up one spot to get and while I do not believe Jones is close to Herbert in any category, he us going to be the picK if things fall as predicted the panthers May trade back two or three doors to get him and get more picks Rhule scares me, after all Teddy would not have been here if Rhule didn’t approve and then there us the Dwayne Haskins futures offer
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