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Everything posted by Ocpanthertew714

  1. "unkown". you're suffering from "Matt Rhule" syndrome. Might I suggest Tylenol with codeine. Hydrate, and get some rest. Fear of the unknown will cause us to miss out on a potential offensive minded guru (granted we go that route).
  2. If we win out and make it to the superbowl. I will buy everyone who dm's me a superbowl ticket.
  3. I understand your argument. It's a very common argument. But I think the causality claim of OSU QB, therefore wont be successful in the NFL is a bit illogical. I am by no means stating that CJ Stroud will be successful in the NFL, I am however, stating that just because he went to OSU does not mean he wont be a successful franchise QB.
  4. I just don't think our GM is the type to move up in the first round. But only time will tell.
  5. So it looks like we will procure another top 10 pick this draft. I'm curious, is anyone for moving up to take one of the top two QB prospects??
  6. Jeez sounds like Nebraska is opening up that check book.. I guess they really think he'll make Nebraska relevant again
  7. For as bad as Tepper is, at least he's not Dan Synder.
  8. Great! Time to break out the most improved player trophy!
  9. What is this pseudoscience in which you speak? in name the name of science, how dare ye cite your resource of your sorcery from Wikipedia?? major faux pas my friend. I would be willing to bet you tell children that Santa Claus isn't real. How do you sleep at night?
  10. Well yeah... Job security is the name of the game
  11. Completely agree with you. But aren't you tired of being mid season and hoping we get ammo for next year's draft?? It's been a recurring theme. It's frustrating.
  12. A win is a win.... I get it But let's keep things in perspective. We beat a terrible broncos team that has more divets than my Sunday afternoon on the golf course. The Broncos have more holes than Swiss cheese It's as if the bronco offense is allergic to the end zone.
  13. The Broncos are more dysfunctional than the Manson family But yet again, even the Manson family executed their game plan
  14. That's what upsets me the most is that this organization has committed to mediocrity.
  15. So what have we learned this week That the greatest rivalry game is CAL vs stanford And fug stanford fug em hard GO CAL GOLDEN BEARS and this has nothing to do with being a homer. I swear!! But seriously. Fug stanford!
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