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About scpanther22

  • Birthday 02/02/1989

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  1. This twitter account isn't even a real person. its just a engagement farming account that post stuff as bait lol
  2. interet forums are largely dead as a whole probably the only way to meet cost
  3. You should see the list of companies Bezos has part ownersnhip in...its kind of crazy for one person to have that much power lol
  4. Love how billionaires consistently look to cut deals and corners but they tell us work harder lol
  5. Honestly they're all owned by like 4 different huge companies so I haven't seen much of a difference between any of them lol
  6. The Panthers made it so obvious XG was the guy they always wanted I thought I started thinking it was a misdirect for who they actually wanted
  7. With what they paid him i'd be fine riding the bench if I were him
  8. Funny enough over the years I can say Pittbulls have been the best family dogs i've had out of all the breeds i've had but I know with their reputations people don't see them as family dogs
  9. its felt like ever since Christensen got in the league coaches just can't get past his size
  10. christensen seems like a good player that we just refuse to play at his best postion lol
  11. So is he gonna be this years Ryne Robison? lol
  12. His draft stock would be enough to get him looked at by another team if he did suck. the next OC would think they could fix him
  13. lol the way some of you change your whole attitude about the entire draft over each different pick
  14. He's going to get the whole season..think people are gonna be disspointed if you're expecting him to get pulled after a bad game or two
  15. Panthers social media person finally has offensive highlights to show
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