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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Stewart is running hard today. If the oline can open a few holes for him, he might have a big game.
  2. He couldn't see. He took the visor out right after that play. Nothing wrong with the play call, but the execution broke down allowing someone up the middle nearly untouched. Had we ran a pass play there, Cam would still have had trouble seeing. Just one of those things.
  3. So I guess now we wait to see if Allen passes his physical?
  4. We get paid with the pleasure of being in the company of other grouchy, ill tempered, Panther fans. Well virtual company anyway.
  5. Obviously, you missed the memo about Zod paying cash bonuses to those who post breaking news first. I mean he must, otherwise why would anyone give a crap?
  6. If he pans out for us, then you must log out for ten minutes every day until the end of the season.
  7. That happens even to good, veteran receivers sometimes. The other guys have been open, and Cam has been hitting them. And we know already that Ginn and Olsen are his favorite targets, at least among the group currently available.
  8. I will feel a lot better about this game if we get a td here.
  9. Horrible penalty call. Ealy did nothing wrong. Great coverage by Tillman.
  10. I don't see us winning this challenge. Not clear enough, at least from the replay I saw.
  11. If that is a criticism of Ginn, not sure what game you are watching. Ginn and Olsen have both been Money today.
  12. Horrible throw by Cam even though it doesn't matter. Ball might have been a little wet. .
  13. Any run after we had to use our last timeout would have been incredibly risky.
  14. Oh well, going to go in with a tie game. Not bad given the way we started out.
  15. Wow, really good call by Shula. Almost got the first. Big risk, big reward by going for it.
  16. Ginn is playing pretty well. And the run game has 40 yards on 7 carries, or it did until that last carry by Stewart. The defense has been horrible so far.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Oh well, we will never know.
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