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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. If the contract is written so that we don't lose a lot by cutting him, then its a low risk deal, and I don't have a problem with it.
  2. I like the new incarnation of Khan. The actor did an excellent job. And the new incarnation of Uhura was just to damn hot to let it bother me. I mostly agree with the rest.
  3. Cincy seems like the most likely destination imo. From what I read, they have cap room and desperately need help pressuring the qb.
  4. I think the last fight I watched from beginning to end was Ali/Sphinks. Its been a while.
  5. He will likely want more money than we are willing to pay, but he would fulfill the scat back role the Coach has mentioned.
  6. Since he has only played one and had over 450 yards and put 28 points on the board in that one, I am not sure that stat is very relevant. Can't really determine what to pay him on something like that. By comparison, Brady's road record is only 3-3.
  7. Worldwide, boxing is still very popular. When I was in the Philippines a few years ago, Pacquiao's popularity was greater than any athlete I can remember in the US. Boxing is very popular among Hispanics, and throughout most of the Latin American countries. Not that I really care though. I would watch wrestling (the fake kind) before boxing or MMA, and I am not really a huge fan of wrestling either.
  8. Agreed. We aren't going to be drafting a franchise qb, and I doubt we will try to pick up a starting caliber middle linebacker. But we might pick up a DT if we have an opportunity to draft a guy we are really high on.
  9. Imo, DGB is not even the best wide receiver prospect named Beckham to come out since Calvin Johnson.
  10. Spent about 6 hours at the Airport in the Azores while flying from Bahrain to Norfolk. Looked interesting, but I doubt I will ever get back.
  11. Foster was actually a pretty decent back until injuries started to take their toll.
  12. I think both South divisions will be better next year, primarily because it would be hard to be worse than they were this season. In fact, it would be hard equal this season's futility.
  13. For the kick/punt return game, I would love to see him here. As a receiver, I would prefer we pick up someone else as our #2, and keep Brown as the three. Maybe bring Ginn in as the fourth receiver on rare occassions, and have him as depth.
  14. Its likely that they tell any team that wants to sign him to be aware there is a good chance that he will not be available for the first 6 games of his contract with said team. Or at some point during the first season, he will not be available for 6 games. I do wonder if the team signing him could somehow figure that in to to his contract, ie pay him 6 million for his first year, and then 12 million (or whatever number is decided) for the next few seasons. Or would such an agreement not be allowed?
  15. Are the official transcripts available to anyone? I was under the impression the move to a jury trial and subsequent dismissal meant they would not be, but I am not certain.
  16. Punish? Did he put Hardy in football jail? Hardy got paid a boatload of money to not play football for us. I don't see where we punished him in anyway shape or form. Gettleman is making a business decision, and maybe the correct one. Only time will tell if he is right though.
  17. Absolutely. While Richardson may have approved, Gettleman is running the show, probably with some input from Rivera and others. To compare this to Steve Smith is heavily flawed just for that reason alone.
  18. If the OP's premise was accurate, that would make Greg Hardy a NFL version of J.R. Ewing or Tywin Lannister.
  19. Actually it happens quite a bit. Sometimes its better to Settle than face a trial, even if you feel you have a good shot at winning.
  20. How so? If the Panthers were planning on parting ways with him anyway, then this outcome is irrelevant.
  21. I don't think Jersey sales provide an accurate assessment of how the majority of fans feel about a specific player or incident. The fans that buy a specific player's Jersey in those situations could easily be a minority who decide to buy the jersey as a show of support. A outspoken minority perhaps, but still a minority. I seriously doubt the majority of Ravens fans supported keeping Ray Rice, regardless of how many Jersey's he sold. If Hardy is found guilty, imo a majority of fans will agree that not re-signing him is the right thing. If he is not found guilty, the matter among the fans will likely become more complex. But I believe that Hardy is already gone, and the trial is only one of the reasons.
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