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Ivan The Awesome

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Everything posted by Ivan The Awesome

  1. lol, yeah they're kind of screwed. He's gonna get cut.
  2. Whole lot of people worried about Pickett. I don't get peoples hate for the kid. I just don't see any of these QB's being the saviour for Rhule. Which would be a wasted pick imo. If they do get a QB, I rather they get the kid with the highest ceiling. Then again if this brass gets fired, it won't matter because it's not a guarantee the next coach will want him. It's messed up situation. Either way we're fuged.
  3. This is telling.. If he's following the footprint, there's one guy they are doing this with, actually 2. Ridder and Strong. Both that could be hand in the second or the third if they trade up.
  4. Well, I think you said that a broken clock tells the correct time twice or something of that nature. It was 5 times this time.
  5. Somehow, it feels like our team is stagnant as fug even with all the opportunities that are presenting themselves. Brees gone, Matt Ryan gone, Payton gone, Arians gone, ATL in shambles, Saints an unknown, the bucs seem to have their poo together now. In year 3 you'd think this franchise was ready to take over as a leader. Nah, not this team.
  6. This is why I want them to showcase CMC this year, then trade him next to get something in return. I love CMC but you don't make the RB the focal point of your offense. Not in today's NFL. You could have RB's from middle rounds be productive and still have a functioning offense. I hope Fitt see's this. Hurney had a hard on for RB's. This isn't 90's NFL anymore. Need to move on and get with the program.
  7. In the report...you know...where Cops write stuff? That's where.
  8. they need to just pick a QB this year. That's it. I know QB's are better next year but they are prolonging poo.
  9. Well you got to have a coach that will actually PUT the players you drafted in the starting lineup and not play dumbass retreads or former Temple players that aren't worth a poo in there.
  10. People trying to get clout, that's it. Nothing else to see here.
  11. No thanks, don't need midgets with temper tantrum problems.
  12. Good, no more trading future picks. Interesting that they are trying to move Sam as a package deal. Seems like the only way that they will do so. I still think they will just end up cutting the guy, he's literally not worth picking up or in a package deal.
  13. If Fitterer somehow trades away Darnold and a Young player for a pick, I know it's collateral damage but damn this dude is absolutely legendary.
  14. lol you poo on Minshew but you want a guy that hasn't done poo. Makes perfect sense.
  15. Playoffs. They were talking about that last year when we were 3-0 and made all those desperate moves. Keep that same energy. Playoffs or bust.
  16. lol people writing Corral off because of the Pro day. Hilarious poo man.
  17. That's what I mean, even with the season that passed, it wasn't a significant impact to say these guys are worth what people are saying now. It's QB needy teams and the hype machine that's doing this. Even if you go 4-5 months ago no one was talking about them being top 10 or 1st round talents. It's ridiculous.
  18. IF the Panthers can somehow come away with a Top T and a QB in the late 1st because of a trade, I'd be very excited.
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