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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. someone please post tweets stuck at work
  2. I'm in the small minority that wants a fair competition and want to see what Sam can do with an improved OL and a competent Coordinator..
  3. get that dopamine rush knowing that a god has looked upon your pos loser ass "he will remember me forever.. 🥹"
  4. to get him to look at you and make eye contact
  5. yes on a cheap vet deal and do nothing but stuff the run and let our LBs get the stats
  6. a saints fan saying this? woah Mr. Scott awesome source this proves youre right about baker sucking. can't argue any more. Please make another thread!
  7. At least hes not addicted to forcing women to beat his dick and splooging on them or otherwise being a sexual preditor
  8. but i said they cant so therefor.. they cant
  9. they will soon figure out they cant also, Gross Tomatoes will breakout as well. thats the thing with young players with upside. they arent stagnant. i can personally guarantee what i just proclaimed
  10. burns is going to break out with 16+ sacks
  11. Baker week one. That dude has a lot to prove. No way he doesn't do what he has to do to start.
  12. cause being a pessimistic turd sucks. Is he gunna be successful? idk, but ima be optimistic about it cause it sure beats being a miserable fug like a few on this board. using their panther fandom as their identity and relying on panthers success to make them happy.
  13. im just thinking of the redemption storyline for not just baker but the entire team baker has talent and has won games when given the proper support. that chip and fire under his ass is back. talk about being motivated. whether he was going to be a panther or not, i would have rooted for baker. Hes gotten sshit on. He got humbled now its his turn at redemption. yada yada.. this reason, that reason.. hes our QB and I love come back stories. He was a short stubby guy that walked on at college and won the heisman.. taken #1 ovr... i can see how that could inflate your head hes only human had a piece of humble pie and has a lot to prove. rooting for him hard. im choosing to be optimistic.
  14. he would have been gone already if he had any kind of trade value at all. dropping him after paying him is too much of a waste.. even though we may have to do that anyway
  15. pretty prepared because i don't rely on the panthers to make me happy or use them as my identity to make me feel better about myself.
  16. stop putting so many eggs in a basket that you have zero control over looking to the panthers to feel better about life is a poor stradegy
  17. its annoying i gotta sift through diabetus neck beards arguing to find any actual news or updates.
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