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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. Pie Chart and Pie Whole are the best.
  2. im sure it is. Bad files are bad files. I just have an affinity for melodrama.
  3. Spent last night at the Hive picking out my season tix seats. I like Curry but don't watch. Won't pull for any team outside NC. (Unless they play Duke)
  4. Im ok without the extra point. Still can't wrap my head around boosting FGs for distance. The FG should be worth less the farther back it is. This would keep uber conservative coaches like Fox and Rivera from settling for FGs and use their more than adequately compensated offenses to do their damn jobs.
  5. but if you can't get passed the 35 you get 4? See what I'm saying?
  6. oh no! Not the sound bites??? Good lord, the travesty!! What shall we do??!! What Shall We Dooooooo?????
  7. I hate revisionist history. My QB is Cam. My MLB is Luke. Suck it.
  8. Then you're rewarding bad offense. Get too close and you get penalized. That's just strange. I think FGs should be reduced. 1-2 pts max. Or increase the value of a TD. A 4 point kick from the 35-40 yard line is easier than getting a TD. Teams would then pay a premium for beastly kickers and then we would really have "foot"ball.
  9. 2008 got him paid. Since, its been pretty, meh. I like the guy, he can ball when healthy. I think he took a lot of flack because he would never challenge his buddy DWill. He should have taken his job a couple years ago but injuries and loyalty held him back.
  10. That moment, that moment when victory is sealed when we know the trophy is coming home. At that time I can only speculate as it will be intense and personal to each one of us.
  11. I'm ready to see these guys. Training camp starts next week right??? Ugggh it's still May...
  12. He looks like he should be on E! Television instead of the NFL.
  13. What in the fug is that thing? Tell me thats not the GM. Wait..no, tell me thats the GM! lolololol
  14. I'm a big, big fan of salt. But this is too salty even for me.
  15. 2008 @ NO. Me and my bro went down the day after Christmas. Decked out in our gear we went in not knowing how it would be. The Kasay field goal and the celebration after was just too epic for words. Close second is this past year in ATL. That too was a fun one to be at. (I see you Riot!)
  16. 83 kid here, I never cared for anything that wasn't in NC. I was a retarded Hornets/Heels fan. We would visit Atlanta to see the Braves but, baseball. Then the Panthers came. That changed the world for me.
  17. I was of the impression no one else on this site saw it that way. I stand corrected. You sir have absolutely nailed it. Bravo.
  18. So a UDFA got drunk and pushed his brother... ='s #1 overall pick Winston, brought in for sexual assault charges. Seems legit.
  19. Bowden should have kept quiet. He's got more skeletons in his closet than the late Joe Pa. You don't dominate the NCAA like that without greasing some wheels if you catch my drift...
  20. It looked much more malicious than a simple snap read hit. That boy looks like he wants to destroy living things.
  21. how many cheating scandals have the patriots been linked to again?
  22. This is really easy guys. A SS in our defense is a run stopping ,in the box, down hill enforcer. Swearinger would work here.
  23. I'm loving me some Norman. This kid is as real as it gets. Just a cool dude to talk too.
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