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Donald LaFell

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Everything posted by Donald LaFell

  1. Most starters shouldn’t play lol. Not mad if Corral goes to IR since he wasn’t ready for this season anyway but a QB of Allen’s caliber shouldn’t even sniff the field honestly.
  2. This is like when Fox signed Brian St. Pierre just to spite JR and not play Tony Pike lol
  3. I remember Chris Harris coming like a bullet doing that to the Bears in 08, the announcers were having a ball lol.
  4. I think most LTs do pretty poorly. If he can be an elite run blocker and improving pass blocker that’s still a much better situation than last year.
  5. Sione Fua lol Or Fox running Stephen Davis on fumes in 05 when Foster was so much better lol
  6. Not sure if Walker is PS eligible but if he is I think he’ll be on it for certain.
  7. I guess it kind of feels like they should already know? I’m just a fan but it feels off.
  8. This 4 QB situation is one of the stupidest things in franchise history, I want off this wild ride. Preseason used to be fun to watch the 3rd and 4th stringers. It’s weird watching Darnold and Walker play when they have no point being on the team. I guess Rhule is truly just giving them NFL tape out of the goodness or his heart, and to the detriment of the team.
  9. I was a kid coming back from a marching band competition, we got in the car once the 2nd overtime started.
  10. Yeah was that the 2nd Falcons 05 game I think?
  11. The 02 Lions game with our top pick vs their top pick was very cathartic.
  12. I’ll try to think of some weird ones 1. 2010 loss against the Ravens. We kinda held our own for 3 quarters but there are worse was to lose than getting finished off by Ed Reed and Ray Lewis. The Brian St. Pierre jokes are still funny to me and one guy at the stadium in the home lowers has his jersey. The Gettis touchdown was electric and the whole stadium lit up for that short time like we weren’t the worst team in the league. Also the Ravens fans TOOK OVER the stadium but were pretty nice about it. 2. 2011 vs the Bucs at home. A blowout with your #1 pick breaking Mannings yardage record, Christmas Eve. I went with my friends family and was the perfect amount of buzzed the entire time. Rode home in their giant excursion listening to the post game, I felt like a kid. 3. Jake coming back against the Chargers in 08, it wasn’t one of our “play like crap but pull it out last second” kind of games. The Chargers were a tough tough team and Jake pulled it out. The Oline and run game were much improved. 4. The Bucs loss where David Carr did his dive was hilarious and like the highlight of his career lol. 5. The 1st saints game where we really whooped up on them in 04 was really satisfying. 6. The Nick Goings era in 04 with some of his huge games was great. 7. The 05 Monday night game against the Packers was a ton of fun with Fosters crazy long stiff arm. 8. The game where we FINALLY started Foster against the Falcons and Vick met Thomas Davis.
  13. I think his name is Anish, def more of a football voice. I’ll miss Mixon/Robinson if only because I’m a sentimental guy but what I caught in the car was great.
  14. Maddens Raiders we’re legendary but I’m much happier being a Panthers fan lol
  15. Didn’t he throw a pick to Munnerlynn like as soon as he had to come in against us? That game was brutal tho, Peyton Hillis running all over.
  16. That’s not even the line from the movie!
  17. They had the Quidditch World Championships there a while back, Disc Golf too
  18. Google has something called a “leap smear” that spreads the leap second evenly over something like a day or something. It’s pretty clever. You could prob do something like that for a negative second.
  19. This is one of the worst topics I’ve ever seen posted.
  20. I’m a little tired today but if someone can work in some bulking/Kelvin Benjamin/Golden Corral jokes I’ll send some pie.
  21. I mean if they didn’t want him bad enough to take him off the market then it is what it is. They know the risks, not sure how far apart they are.
  22. Maybe his dad is giving him some vet tips to avoid training camp
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