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Everything posted by KillaCamNewton

  1. Yet we continue to stick our worst corner on the other team’s number 1
  2. Phantom holding the one time we make a play, next play is a sack cant tell me refs dont influence games
  3. Do we even know what he did they didnt show the replay
  4. We were 5-11 in 2019 with one of the oldest rosters in the league and a broken Cam had no choice but to blow the roster up, last year we were projected to win 2 games and won 5 while getting like 2 full games out of CMC and lost 8 games by a possession or less with a brutal schedule. part of the reason weve never had back to back winning seasons is because weve always tried filling holes in the roster with aging vets as stop gaps instead of building young and now that we actually have a young and talented roster everywhere except the OLine you guys are ready to blow it up again a year and a half into it make up your minds lol
  5. A game that was never more than a one possession score for either team saw us throw more times than run with a QB that was on his couch 10 days ago making his first start this season please tell me how that is justifiable
  6. Mustve been nice that the Pats played on TNF so you could watch RedZone all day
  7. Truly an exceptional game called Joe. Way to earn that paycheck today
  8. We have in my eyes the most complete defense in football, the best offensive weapon, and now we have a guy that makes it a whole lot easier for red zone trips to end in 7 points instead of 3 points. theres been alot of talk about this team not having an identity but the game Sunday is our identity
  9. NFL is all about matchups if you havent noticed especially this year our defense would have the Rams in hell, but im terrified of seeing Dallas again
  10. Im sure Cam is shaking in his boots for all the 4 man rush (likely without Chase Young) and soft zone looks hes about to see
  11. You right. Sorry still drunk AF after yesterday. Got my tickets expecting to watch Chandler Jones put Sam Darnold in the hospital and within 10 minutes got to see 2 Cam TDs. Have a torn labrum Ive been dealing with and definitely made it worse jumping up after the 1st TD but definitely worth it
  12. It was a football move. Were a team that struggles in the red zone and added the greatest red zone threat of all time they arent wrong about the box office effect at least though. Theres a reason tickets for sunday in the 500 level are selling for $200 a piece now when they were $20 two weeks ago, and I can tell you the return of RiverRaft Ron isnt the reason
  13. Alot of y’all werent there for that TNF game against Tampa my stance was always to let 2020 be Cam’s prove it year and go from there but I don’t blame any regime for watching the last few games of the end of 2018 and that TNF game against Tampa and being convinced Cam was done. I remember after that game one of those twitter film guys who was always a huge Cam supporter was breaking down all of his throws and being convinced he was done . I personally thought he was, my issue was we could have let him prove for one season that he wasnt. It was such an easy and logical choice for me that had zero risk and huge rewards
  14. Gotta disagree there OLine is about how the unit works as a whole and the chemistry they have with picking up blitzes etc. making splash FA signings and using early draft picks doesnt guarantee anything. We went dumpster diving in 2015 and had a great unit all the way up until the Super Bowl
  15. This whole 1 year prove it deal is 2 years late tbh because we should have gone into the 2020 season giving him a chance to show he’s healthy but say he looks to be in his 2018 form, do we even have a choice at that point to NOT resign him knowing we could easily be back in QB purgatory going forward if we let him walk?
  16. Is the bar really so low that the board is gushing over a guy with twice as many interceptions as passing touchdowns?
  17. Not even from a football perspective but getting rid of Cam put a fork in the next generation of Panthers fans. We have talent on this team and have always had talent but Cam is the first and always “public figure” we had on the team. He made the Panthers a national brand and made the younger generation want to be fans on another note the gameday experience sucks and the parking/traffic is a nightmare. I live a mile from BoA and i sit in traffic for 30 minutes both ways. The stadium is in the middle of uptown and most people that live in uptown are not natives to the city or state and can just walk to the stadium and its just an easy weekend event for them and its super convenient for visiting fans to just get a hotel and walk to the stadium get a new stadium and put it somewhere where fans actually have to make an effort to get there and it wont be like this. I lived in Arizona and watched the Cardinals have 20k fans every week at Arizona State and the minute they built a new stadium they were selling out every week even while they had a shitty team
  18. Its sad that “journalism” now is making bold claims with no credibility just to be “first” to break it and then when you’re wrong it’s always “my unnamed source was incorrect” Stop relaying what your cousin who works in the equipment room says just to get clicks
  19. Im not dismissing the #MeToo movement and Watson could very well be a horny predator but facts are its been like 7 months since the story has been out, the FBI and DA are involved and theres not even one charge yet?
  20. We really dont have more holes in our roster than teams like the Cardinals or Bills who are legit Super Bowl contenders and the reason they are is because they have Josh Allen and Kyler Murray and we have Sam Darnold how are teams like the Dolphins and Texans doing that seem to always be stock piling cap space and picks?
  21. And we’ll have a franchise QB for the next 10 years lmao what is the problem here? We’ve had exactly 1 legitimate franchise QB in the 27 years weve played I love Burns and hope he’s a cornerstone of our defense going forward but Id much rather have to replace an edge rusher than keep swinging and missing on QBs its been 3 years but i think some of y’all have forgotten what it was like to go into every game with a real chance of winning and when Cam was healthy thats how i felt every game. Watson is that good. And now we actually have a competent GM to build a team around him
  22. We have a terrible OLine and our all-world running back who masks all of the QB and OLines flaws is gone, making a QB who’s ceiling is decent game manager at this point have to carry the offense. The result is a QB trying to be more than he is and failing miserably. Our wonder boy OC hasnt adjusted anything and has been figured out since the middle of last season, but again having CMC on the field masked that as well I think our defense was vastly overrated at the beginning of the season due to playing bad QBs with bad supporting casts. I do think we have a legitimate Top 10 defense, however we are not the 2013 Seahawks that people thought we were after 3 games. The losses of Horn and Shaq were significant and I dont think people realize what those 2 not being there does to our scheme. I think its forced us to play alot less press and more zone which means we can be carved up if our blitz doesnt get home. Getting Shaq back and getting Gilmore on the field will have us looking elite on defense again IMO Its easy to lose faith and think we need to blow everything up and start over and fire Rhule but I really think alot of you on here are letting the 3-0 start give you unreasonable expectations. The Titans look like Super Bowl favorites right now but if they lost Derrick Henry imagine what their offense would look like
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