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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. Lol I forgot to put in how long. I was going to make it permanent.
  2. You've been relocated off the board. Just too much of a turd.
  3. none of that matters. he's gone. he was an oft injured overpaid player. yeah, probably HoF bound, but he wasn't winning us games. hopefully the picks we get thanks to the trade will play more than he did.
  4. i know, but still that's looking pretty desperate. i guess if it walks like a duck...
  5. Well....it's a start. Need to get a couple more day two picks It's good ammo for a new HC. And fit could turn those into a few more.
  6. He can go be hurt there. I'm fine with it. Not fine with having to pay for him From now on, no early first round picks for RB. No extensions to RBs keep them til they get hurt then either trade them or let their contract run out. What a fuggin waste. Missed too many games and paid way too much.
  7. So I wake up on a Friday morning to this poo. Sorry, Ian, this is not massive. I guess it will have to do
  8. The guy is incredibly fun to watch. He's not as fun for me as cam was in college, but he's a legend. Young is still exciting. Reminds me of a younger and less sucky and very frustrating Russell Wilson. He's just got that ability to pull miracles out of his ass and leaves you going "how the hell did he just do that?" But that size..... I just can't overlook it. Hendon Hooker looks really interesting. Not spectacular, but still can do it all. I think he'd be good. Stroud is a really good passer, but pretty one dimensional as a QB. I just want to see more out of him. Same with Levis. I think both him and Stroud will be good, but Cam spoiled me. I want that dual threat guy. But I'll be happy with any QB that can take the team down the field and into the end zone. It doesn't really matter how he does it as long as they do it a lot, especially in clutch situations.
  9. Should have been boze time weeks ago
  10. i guess he's the only one i would be ok with. i don't think he was given a fair shake. he was an afterthought in rhule's "competition" game that he was playing. all focus was on baker and darnold. but if we gave corral the boot, i wouldn't cry.
  11. He could be a first ballot HoF guy and I'd probably still be ok someone else taking the risk
  12. Skill set is amazing. Problem solving skills are pretty incredible. His size makes me nervous.
  13. yeah, something hasn't been jiving with his situation.
  14. our D isn't good enough...definitely not big and strong enough, esp. against power run teams. we got fast and athletic....and skinny and weak thanks to the rhule/snow philosophy. this needs to be corrected.
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