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Everything posted by DaveThePanther2008

  1. I've said before that Rhule's BS approach in developing Corral would force us to take a QB in this upcoming draft. I get your dislike for Matt Corral and he looked lost in his first preseason game but was doing better in the 2nd before his injury. But I gotta ask. You really believe he got any real work as a QB for this team in preseason? How anyone can say he's not an NFL QB based on the ridiculous way Rhule "developed" Corral. I'd say any rookie QB would look awful with a bunch of "Foot Locker shoe saleman" blocking for him that he barely got a chance to work with in preseason. The awful thing was Rhule's childish way he played or I should say lack of play for Corral. I assume that if, when, we hire a new coach they will evaluate Corral's tape from college as they would any of these QBs coming out in the draft. No new HC in his right mind would believe Corral looked lost because he doesn't know how to play the position. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the new HC felt Corral was just as good as any in the draft and we go elsewhere with the pick. It's not likely but would be surprised. What I do believe, is we'll draft a QB with the intentions of allowing both of them to compete against one another and the best man wins. They all say draft position means nothing when you get to camp. It's a benefit that a new Head Coach would love to have. Two young and potentially good QBs.
  2. Big game against Tennessee this weekend. You'll be able to see Hooker and Levis. 7:00 pm
  3. 1. Young size is a small issue with me but I love his accuracy. I just hope he doesn't give NFL linebackers and Safeties a chance to rip his head off. 2. Hooker, IDGAF about his age. He's only a couple years older. The guy has everything you want in a QB. We'll be able to see Levi and Hooker this weekend as Kentucky plays Tennessee. The following week Tennessee plays Georgia. If Hooker beats Georgia don't be surprised if he moves to the #1 spot for QBs in the upcoming draft. He's already in the Heisman hunt. 2. Corral I believe Rhule intentionally blocked any development of Corral. He hitched his wagon to Mayfield and focused on winning with him. Why would he develop a player that will be the QB for another head coach. Too bad Tepper couldn't see this and fired his ass in Training Camp. Corral has a toughness about him and his leadership is very good. I want to see him get a fair shot. IMO we'll be pleasantly surprised. 4. Stroud, He's been discussed several times, but I don't see what the infatuation is with him. He wins but just about any QB at OSU is going to win. I just don't care for him much and BTW OSU is one of my favorite College teams. 5. Levis, I don't know much about him but plan on watching the UK/Tenn match up this weekend.
  4. Well we remembered how Amini Silatolu was. Once we got his lazy ass out and put in Norwell things improved greatly. Elf's situation reminds me of that except Elf was a little better than Amini Silatolu. Now that Bozeman is in we seem to be a much better line.
  5. I thought I saw him playing guard earlier in the season. He might be a serviceable guard, but he stinks as a tackle.
  6. Get Mays working as the backup. I've heard he's gonna be a good center.
  7. <iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/3ohhwmQ0xIg8W3pHd6" width="480" height="456" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/happy-birthday-3ohhwmQ0xIg8W3pHd6">via GIPHY</a></p>
  8. GMs and their scouts need to weed through the hype and get down to what really makes a good QB. So many talking heads talk up these players because they have a good college career with a great college. The GM has to find that QB with the traits that aren't coachable and traits that are coachable. There have been several QBs that are in the HOF that weren't first round QBs. While it is nice to land one it doesn't guarantee he's going to be the answer you're looking for.
  9. Wilks is a motivator. He knows how to get the most out of his players. He knows how to make them accountable. I think if he continues to win and shows he can get the most out of our offense than he should be retained. If he can get McAdoo to do better than imagine what he could do with a young offensive minded OC. If he does well, Keep the entire staff together minus McAdoo. Get an OC that has an imagination and the ability to adjust. I mentioned that hiring a good offensive minded head coach means you would never have to worry about changing schemes if your OC gets his own gig. @Mr. Scot reminded me that the same applies for a good defensive minded head coach. I will say, if we somehow get an opportunity to get Peyton. I would want Peyton to offer him the DC position. It's a step down but he might get another opportunity as a HC later down the road by showing off his defense.
  10. You're right, but I don't see this team doing much. I've heard that they haven't really drafted well.
  11. Boy NE is heading in the wrong direction fast. Wonder how much longer Billicheat will last.
  12. They count. He won't last long running like he does. We learned that with Cam.
  13. Nearly 1/2 running. 81 rushing yards.
  14. Oh my feelings are so hurt because you think my comments are stupid because I don't agree with you. Maybe you should cry to the moderators and tell them you are offended because I don't agree with you. Fields is NOT an NFL Caliber QB.
  15. Yeah, that poo got him injured. I look forward to seeing him get a real opportunity. It will probably be with a top pick rookie but as they say. Once you enter camp your draft position means nothing.
  16. What a stupid comment. I don't take this as serious as you. I was laughing because I am glad we took Horn and didn't take Fields. He's not a franchise QB and that's my opinion. He drops back and immediately runs. He takes the longest to throw the football in the NFL. This tells me he doesn't process the field very well.
  17. Hahahaha yeah that guy. I'd still take him over Fields. LOL
  18. He's not a franchise QB. Has nothing to do with wanting him or not. I am glad we didn't draft him and took Horn.
  19. He's a running QB and that's it. Teams are wanting him to throw. If you really believe he's got what it takes to be an NFL QB. I got some land South of Key West to sell you.
  20. Fields is not a quality NFL QB. The bears are hoping he is but he's hot garbage. He was terrible against Washington. I'm glad we skipped him for Horn.
  21. Good Job Fields. And to think so many of us wanted to TANK FOR FIELDS. JAG
  22. I can only assume it was Rhule. Rhule did a lot of players wrong. Corral, Christensen and the list goes on, Robinson doesn't name names but my money is on Rhule.
  23. If he gets this team to the playoffs with McAdoo as the OC imaging what he could do with a real offensive minded OC. An OC with good understanding of how to run an offense. Getting the most out of your players is what a Head Coach is supposed to do. I would not be against it if he gets us some wins.
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