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Everything posted by toldozer

  1. I've been to 12 opposing stadiums and only witnessed 2 issues and both in Pennsylvania. Live in a poo hole act like a shithole. The game against the steelers I went to an idiot knocked beer and food out of my hand that I had just spent 30 dollars on and told me the panthers sacked. We were like 2-10 and Jimmy Clausen was our qb. I was aware. Then I went with the RIOT to the eagles game. We minded our business the entire game. Some guy got pissed bc they were losing and launched what I think was a Pepsi straight into one of our fans chest for no reason. Northern people are miserable.
  2. Can he just go ahead and sell? He's doubled his money with a piss poor product. Cltfc sucks too Where else can you buy a company, drive it into the ground and double your money. Big Tep daddy said he wouldn't stand for mediocrity and boy has he delivered. I would kill for a mediocre next 5 years
  3. They're number 3 and 4 because half their games were against us
  4. If fitt is trading it'll be a 3rd round pick and it'll be after we sign him to a huge deal so we have to eat the cap hit
  5. I know it's 20/20 hindsight and all that but every move fitterer has been a part of has seemed to make us worse. Name one trade or signing we've made that's made us better. I got Reddick but then we let him walk, big boze seems like that's it and even then we could have gotten a better center in the draft instead of wasting picks on useless players
  6. I had a claim in for Ford and was number 1 on the wire. Any clue why I didn't get him?
  7. Cmc Moore corral and having next year's first would make me feel a lot better about being 0-2. We traded away our best offensive players because we sucked just so we could suck worse and not have picks to correct it and pay most of their salaries for their new teams
  8. 37 snaps 1 target 1 reception for 15 yards. It ain't going to be Chark
  9. Look back at it. Joe Brady really wasn't the problem. Our offense has gotten progressively worse since firing him. 2020 .Total Yards/Game 349.5 21st Rushing Yards/Game 106.5 21st Net Passing Yards/Game 243.0 18th Not great by any means but how many times have we throw for 250 yards in the past 2 seasons and 2 games
  10. What if we rolled into 2020 with Will Grier as the starter instead of bandaiding it with Bridgewater? Rhule loses every game and gets canned. We bring in Dan Campbell and Trevor Lawrence
  11. Yeah I don't think we've added many fans since 2018. I know we've subtracted a bunch
  12. Quality read That was what like 10 years ago?
  13. I'd assume luvu. I'm a little bit intrigued to see if Chinn could take over that spot. He's probably too small but he does nothing in his current role
  14. Brees was always the comp you want with Bryce. Gotta give him at least the full season but I'm frustrated with the entire organizational build at the moment. Hopefully he gets better because if not we have at least another season of suck but more than likely 3-5
  15. And Mingo is sucking hard too. It's not like hes making plays. You can't even beat out a rookie that doesn't know how to run route. Our skill players are a mess
  16. That's why I asked who was bringing them in. Fitt doesn't have a lot of success bringing in skill players through the draft He dominated at Jackson St. That's just as impressive as beating non top 25 schools at temple and Baylor and the media loves him. Do you really believe he could do any worse then Fatt Fhule?
  17. Stiechen and stroud was always my preference. I'm just so sick of boring ass offensive football. Hope young and Reich can give us something exciting to watch at some point. That was not worth the 300 or so dollars we spent tonight. If we're going to lose at least entertain me
  18. I meant at the end of the year not tomorrow. Sorry should have clarified, and I'm only half way serious
  19. Who is going to bring them in and with what money if burns and brown are going to eat up 50 mil?
  20. I disagree. He would definitely need coordinators with a ton of nfl experience but I think he would do well in the NFL as well. The games would be exciting at least. I don't feel like I've had fun watching panthers football since 2017
  21. This is why the whole build of the team is just dumb. You go all in on the qb whose claim to fame is fast processing ability and you surround him with a bunch of fugs that can't get open quickly. Bryce may or may not end up being good but the roster of offensive weapons is complete shat
  22. Let's be honest, would anyone hate firing Frank and hiring ya boy?
  23. Should have traded burns and kept cmc. This franchise will always manage to make the wrong move it does not matter.
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