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Everything posted by toldozer

  1. Been there, done that, almost won the super bowl
  2. Never said we're the loudest fanbase but when we're good fans show up. It isn't 70/30 when this team has a winning record. The exceptions would be the steelers and cowboys. That's probably 70/30. And that's because those fan bases don't have a brain cell between them and will pay 5x face value for tickets
  3. Have you ever been to a game when the panthers are good? We've sucked for 4 and a half seasons. When the team is good people show up. Same as 99% of other fan bases. How many people were going to canes game when they sucked?
  4. No one is moving to Raleigh dude. Radio has been ragging on the canes playoff atmosphere for weeks
  5. I have 5 clients looking to buy right now. They're all from out of state. Moving from Texas, new York, Philly and Michigan. 4 of the 5 are first time home owners. Matter a fact all the clients I'm getting right now outside of this couple from Texas are first time buyers. The renting population is basically up shits creek
  6. Let's not pay people more let's make it cheaper to borrow money so they go more in debt. It's really quite genius for the small % that profit off everyone else's debt.
  7. Yeah told my wife were never moving. She thinks rates will get down close to 3s in a few years. I do not see it. I think everyone who bought or refinanced prior to mid last year aren't moving unless they have to. That will keep inventory low for a long time and continue to drive price
  8. Damn, I have an almost 2 year old and a pool. I can't even imagine what he's going through. I really don't know how I'd continue existing.
  9. I'd like to go to Detroit this year. Last year I didn't do a road game for the first time since 2015
  10. Ph is 7.6-7.8ish it's a bit clearer today
  11. I think fit might have outdone him. This draft was ass in my opinion. Hopefully I'm wrong
  12. Not always true. I have a 3200 dollar vet bill to prove it after our cats and dogs were together for years. One started catching squirrels and mice in the back yard and it was over. Cats stay in the basement and the dogs stay upstairs now
  13. Flocced for the second time in a month yesterday. Chlorine levels holding after all the rain. Still cloudy as all get out but you can see the bottom step. Floc did pull a lot of debris down but water is still "pulpy"
  14. I like Ringo but don't think he'll make it 12 more picks
  15. I thought you were going to go in a different direction
  16. Does your wife care about the draft or is she a giants fan?
  17. You could say the same about giving up two picks to get a better one. Giving up a player at 93 won't make a difference either
  18. Who is they? Stinkyshitty (sorry not a big fan of his) and Armour or stinky and the coach?
  19. What brand do you use and where do you order? Pool stores are too much and sams and lowes stuff sucks I think
  20. Are you in Charlotte? I was at 299.99 last year and 229 this year
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