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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Everybody, everywhere has issues or has in their past. Either emotionally, mentally, or with some sort of crutch like alcohol etc. There is only so many Saints. The guy seems like he faced the demons and moved on. How many people in their twenties can say that or even accept they have issues. He deserves a shot. Plenty of ability and seems to have a fire in the belly. This team could use that.
  2. Only thing that will excite the fan base is winning. Doesn't matter which QB does it. Doesn't have to be flashy....just win.
  3. If they have to pull the trigger at 6, then go Corral. Everybody will say it is to high a pick for him, but guarantee he won't be around long. Seahawks and a few others want him also. If they need to do this as Breer says, then go corral. The others will be holding a clipboard or riding the pines.
  4. My bad....Ole Miss is the real deal. Getting confused with the other two QB's.
  5. Could the Panthers be throwing BS and really not interested in Willis or Pickett, but actually looking at this guy. Know he is from a smaller program, but looks like he has the arm and the athletic ability to go to the next level. Word that the Saints really want Pickett or Willis and willing to trade picks for either one. They can have them. Would you guys take a shot at him? He may go in the first round, so waiting past that may be a risk. Possibly trade back and snatch him in late first round along with a decent LT in 2nd?
  6. Rumor has it on the interwebs that the Saints want to package picks 16 & 19 before the draft to move up and grab Willis or Pickett. Who knows true or not. Stupid move if true. Seems they are really high on those two.....or just really high.
  7. He probably will be the starter this year again if they do draft a rookie. He has a much better Oline, healthy CMC with a new bruising RB, and a new coordinator. If he will ever live up to his statement this is the time......or not.
  8. Hate the fact that Rhule is playing for his job this season and they have to sacrifice a better play in the draft for his security. Besides having the team by the balls with his contract, he has them by the short hairs in the draft
  9. He has no connections to this area as far as I can tell. I don't believe there is any stipulation in buying the team in which he couldn't relocate in the future. I know all the bullcrap about the soccer league, but is that enough to keep him here? Now having trouble with the new practice facility and probably wanting a new stadium down the road (probably looking for city/state funds to help fund it). Getting chewed a new ass by the fan base and media here....do you all trust that he wouldnt pull the plug on Charlotte and just GTFO?
  10. No shat. I guess they want to try him behind a better Oline, OC look, and a full training camp without the COVD restrictions. If they don't trade or get a veteran, he will have to be the guy. Nobody in this draft is NFL ready by any means. That will definitely be his last chance to show up or onto the proverbial QB's that are lost to the world of never was.
  11. So him sitting on the beach three quarter of a season being on I.R. doesn't?
  12. The owner of the Washington Commanders is under congressional investigation for keeping "two books" concerning the teams finances. Sounds like shady dealings. Guy is a douche and may be getting slammed. RR is a good guy and it is to bad he has to coach for this asshat.
  13. One year deal to backup Winston. Not a bad choice actually. Has the experience to step in if Winston sh%ts the bed or reinjures the knee.
  14. How's CMC going to hang out for most of next season on the beach with his GF if he doesn't get hurt ?
  15. Can we get Will Smith to slap his stupid face?
  16. So I guess no more dropping in on pregame tailgate parties at the stadium....no more beers and a burger with the fans and mingling. The bloom is off the rose.
  17. Nope....they need to add a quality player and not a JAG. $$$$ to spend. They need to find a stout DT.
  18. I don't believe 3/4 of the chatter on social media anymore.
  19. Mayfield is a problem and they don't need that bullcrap on this team. Fug him.....they should blow him off and move on. Let him go freeze his ass off in the Canadian league.
  20. When you play the guy behind an Oline as sh%tty as ours (was), what the fug did they expect? They put the cart before the horse as usual.
  21. I think most are pissed that they gave up all that capital to get him and the extension they gave him. He hadn't proven that he was "that guy" for them and they went all in.
  22. ....That we are not aware of. I'm sure the F.O has something up their sleeves to get a quality QB. They wouldn't go into the season with just Darnold and Walker. They spent good $$$ to build up the Oline and get a bruising RB to complement CMC. Not going to waste all those one and two year deals on a failed project. It may actually be a completely different outcome then has been discussed on here. April will be one interesting month.
  23. So if Sam goes then what? Walker starts and whom ever they get at #6? No vet QB to take the reigns for a year? Sign Cam....is that the fuggin plan? What the fug is the plan if Sam goes?
  24. They have three options besides the draft. JImmy G., Baker, and possibly Minshew. Jimmy G. (meh...shoulder problems..not thrilled), Baker (coming off surgery and looks like he is a pain in the ass to deal with), and Minshew (if they can get him for a lower draft pick). Out of the three, I personally think Minshew is the way to go.
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